[A17.1546] ThoughtMaker.MakeThought has incorrect init logic.

Started by Fluffy (l2032), May 29, 2017, 02:34:37 PM

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Fluffy (l2032)

Problem description;
ThoughtMaker.MakeThought( ThoughtDef, int ), applies the stage after Init() is called. This is a problem for thoughts that have the Thought_MemorySocial worker class, and have multiple stages.

(to my knowledge, this combination doesn't exist in vanilla so, for now, it's mostly a modding problem).

Specifically, ThoughtMaker has the following method;

public static Thought_Memory MakeThought(ThoughtDef def, int forcedStage)
Thought_Memory thought_Memory = (Thought_Memory)Activator.CreateInstance(def.ThoughtClass);
thought_Memory.def = def;
return thought_Memory;

And Thought_MemorySocial has the following Init() method;
// RimWorld.Thought_MemorySocial
public override void Init()
this.opinionOffset = base.CurStage.baseOpinionOffset;

Since Init() is called before SetForcedStage(), which in turn sets CurStage, the opinionOffset will default to that of the zeroth stage, regardless of the forcedStage argument.

How to resolve;
Simply switch the Init() and SetForcedStage() lines.
