Poison the Roach's??

Started by Swat_Raptor, May 30, 2017, 10:13:12 AM

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So this is just a idea but I was getting wrecked by my first A17 infestation and I was trying various ideas to deal with them and failing. Then I was looking at a few units of luciferium I had in the stock pile and was like, man it would be fun to feed some of the mega roaches this stuff and watch them devolve into madness and start attacking their own kind, but to my knowledge there is no way to administer drugs to sleeping bugs.

insects do eat if I'm not mistaken, but will they eat drugs?
I'm not sure how viable of a strategy for a few reasons
1 the time it takes luciferium to drive one mad,
2 the rarity of the drug
3 the size of infestations
4 the spawn time of hives
5 there is no way to guarantee that the big bugs will be the ones to eat the stuff. not much will happen if the all the scarabs consume the drugs.

But it definitely would be fun to watch bug colony slowly devolve into madness.

Definitely would be a fun idea for a mod.
take some Pemmican, mix with lucy 
makes several units of tainted food,
leave tainted food near hive
wait for madness to set in
send in clean up crew.


This would be a cool feature to be added to the game, even if only in the form of a mod. They're bugs and bugs who live in colonies typically will take back to the hive anything they consider food with likely no idea if there are masochistic nanobots in it, and would almost be balanced if only luciferium wasn't quite as commonly sold by traders. It would finally add a use for players who decline to administer luci to their colonists and players who live in mountains will finally have an effective (yet risky and slightly expensive) way to defend from infestations. Of course luci should take a good while to start driving the nest insane, probably 6 days or so since they'll be eating in similar proportions to that of human. Most important is how much of the food is made and how many hives one could take out with the produced quantity of food.

Probably the biggest risk when they go mad is that despite being completely isolated, they would probably go after humans if one were close enough. This doesn't tackle the issue of having the infestation spawn in your farm room, or in your stockpile rooms. you'll still have to wait until they all die before you continue with hauling and the likes, so if they do happen to occupy a room of high importance then it should the the colonies job to work around and have back-up plans.


I tried playing around with spawning drugs by some hives, unless your going in every night to steal the jelly the bugs will prefer to eat the jelly over anything else.

So it would need to be either steal the jelly leave the poisoned food, or make the poisoned food have a attraction value equal to insect jelly.

Or it could work that you sneak in at night apply poison to the hive and the hive will just die/degrade in 24-48 hrs and then you are left with the Swarm who I'm guessing will just drink beer if that's the only thing around and you could just kill the bugs with alcohol poisoning, but it would be more fun to drive them crazy.