[B18-A17] Sixs' Mod Showcase (News Updated: February 28th, 2018)

Started by Sixdd, June 02, 2017, 07:16:57 PM

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okay, I'll mark that down for the next update.


Updates are hot off the grill, have fun everyone!


Hi there! There's apparently a conflict with Stuffified Construction and cuproPanda's Expanded Power.

[Stuffified Construction] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(*/ThingDef[DefName="ElectricTailoringBench"]/CostList) failed
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
[Stuffified Construction] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(*/ThingDef[DefName="ElectricSmithy"]/CostList) failed
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
[Stuffified Construction] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(*/ThingDef[DefName="TableMachining"]/CostList) failed
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
[Stuffified Construction] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(*/ThingDef[defName="ElectricStove"]/CostList) failed
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
[Stuffified Construction] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(*/ThingDef[DefName="Brewery"]/CostList) failed
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
[Stuffified Construction] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(*/ThingDef[DefName="ElectricSmelter"]/CostList) failed
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

This appears on load, and switching those two mods around results in much the same thing except with [Expanded Power] Patch Operation instead!

Here is my load order:

    <li>Diseases overhauled v1.0.0</li>
    <li>RF - Editable Backstories - Base</li>
    <li>A17b - Combat Extended Artillery</li>
    <li>CombatExtended Guns</li>
    <li>20th CWM CE v4</li>
    <li>[A17] Hand 'n' Footwear</li>
    <li>[A17] Vanilla-Friendly Weapon Expansion</li>
    <li>[A17] HnF - VFWE Patch</li>
    <li>RF - Configurable Maps</li>
    <li>RF - Fertile Fields</li>
    <li>RF - Concrete</li>
    <li>RF - Basic Bridges</li>
    <li>RF - Smooth Stone Walls</li>
    <li>RF - Wild Cultivation</li>
    <li>TiberiumRim 1.4</li>
    <li>Clutter Furniture</li>
    <li>TribalJoy [A17]</li>
    <li>TribalRaiders REB Version</li>
    <li>LDAreaRugs A17</li>
    <li>Animal Feed Trough A17 [V.G.]</li>
    <li>Barn Stall A17</li>
    <li>High Caliber</li>
    <li>Nandonalt - Set-up Camp</li>
    <li>Nandonalt - Colony Leadership</li>
    <li>MF A17</li>
    <li>FashionRIMsta -A17</li>
    <li>Dubs Bad Hygiene</li>
    <li>WM Revamped Ponics</li>
    <li>Vegetable Garden 5.4</li>
    <li>more factions</li>
    <li>Fences And Floors</li>
    <li>Realistic Night &amp; Weather Lighter V</li>
    <li>Turret Collection</li>
    <li>Alpha Muffalo A17</li>
    <li>Mamuffalo V1.04 A17</li>
    <li>Wall_Torch A17</li>
    <li>[Cab]Beat The Meat</li>
    <li>MiningCo. SpotlightTurret</li>
    <li>MBS Spotlights</li>
    <li>Hand Me That Brick</li>
    <li>Notifications Archiver</li>
    <li>Refactored Work Priorities</li>
    <li>TableDiner Configurable</li>


The industrial Drill is giving ALOT of resources (50 each time) with almost no work


My issue was fixed by updating Expanded Power to a later version.

In any case, I made a quick Stuffified Construction patch for Seeds Please. I attached it in this post.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


@admiralKew - Thanks I'll include that in the next patch

@carpediembr - Yes the drill is pretty easy to use, I'm thinking of making it require a high mining level to use. The drill does require Chemfuel which is at least somewhat resource intensive, since that is a new change it is still being balanced.


Quote from: Sixdd on July 11, 2017, 11:22:04 AM
@carpediembr - Yes the drill is pretty easy to use, I'm thinking of making it require a high mining level to use. The drill does require Chemfuel which is at least somewhat resource intensive, since that is a new change it is still being balanced.

The concept of the drill is amazing and I love it. But needs to be balanced. Is quite intersting that it needs the PDA to work, not sure if it's able to, but the PDA could break after 10 uses maybe? Another thing is, it's too quick to "mine" the resource. Maybe add a bigger wait time for the work to be done?


Yeah, I need to note it somewhere but while it is WIP I've just used wimp mode values for drilling. My goal right now is to make it more end-game but not so far out that you only get to use it for a short time.

One thing I'm having trouble with though is actually making the drill time longer. As it is right now if I set the drill time to be like 5 in-game hours then a colonist will sit and drill the full time at once rather than stopping for sleep or food and then going back to it.

If I could get someone to do the code for me I'd like to have the drill setup so that you have to calibrate it first, which would take a day or so, and then you could mine the resource that you calibrated it to. If I had any understanding of C# at all I'd do it myself but alas I have no programming skill.


Created two more patches. One for Powerless, that allows you to use its own brand of charcoal, and the other for BlackFuel, which allows you to use mineable coal in fueled generators.

EDIT: Don't use these! I messed something up while making the patches. Still fixing it.

EDIT 2: Ok, fixed the patches.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Thanks for doing these, I'll add them to the next patch.


Quote from: Sixdd on July 14, 2017, 06:11:19 AM
Thanks for doing these, I'll add them to the next patch.

It's no problem! Though I have to warn you that CE and Medieval Times will require extensive patching, and I may not be able to work on them myself anymore.


I've never actually used either of those so it may take quite some time before they get done. Thanks again for the patches, it really helps.


Quote from: Sixdd on July 17, 2017, 08:08:21 PM
I've never actually used either of those so it may take quite some time before they get done. Thanks again for the patches, it really helps.

You're welcome! I really like the amount of options and resources to manage that it adds.

Anyway, regarding the issue with CE and MT, I figure that the easiest way to resolve the need synthwood with these in the early game is to add a strand of synthwood that grows in the wild in small patches.

Another quick and easy solution would be to simply redefine Oakwood or Poplarwood as 'WoodLog' instead.


I'm actually thinking of doing a "Medieval Times Stuffified" as a separate mod since MT changes so much. I may not though, just kicking ideas around right now.


New update for Industrial Drill Rig is up, now you can leave a drilling job and come back to it later. As an added bonus the PDA now shows what is being dug up too. Enjoy!