Display ThoughtDef label on Needs card

Started by GiantSpaceHamster, June 03, 2017, 04:24:06 AM

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The colonist Needs card aggregates Thoughts by ThoughtDef, but it picks one of the individual Thoughts' labels to display. For certain cases, such as when a colonist has both the "colonist organ-harvested" and "colonist executed" Thoughts, the former is displayed but with a multiple based on the ThoughtDef (e.g. if a pawn has one of each of those, it will show "colonist organ-harvested x2", which is not technically accurate).


Since the Needs card is really aggregating by ThoughtDef and not displaying each individual Thought, I suggest that it shows the ThoughtDef label instead of picking the "leading" Thought label. This would require adding labels to the base game ThoughtDefs, but I think it would be a bit more accurate and make it easier for mods that may have Thoughts under the same ThoughtDef that have much more significantly different labels.