[1.0] Combat Extended - 1.8.2 CE Melee released (17.11.2019)

Started by NoImageAvailable, June 09, 2017, 04:13:13 PM

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Thank you for all the work on my favorite mod, and good luck with your game!


Can't wait to try it out. A great congratulations and thanks to NIA and the rest of the team :D


Thanks noimage simply can't play rimworld without this mod, I am so hyped i can play rimworld again!


Awesome, thank you! :)
On the other hand it's sad to see so many great modders leaving now :(

Brumes Wolf

I found an Issue with loadouts, they don't save. after loading a save they all items in a loadout will reset to quantity 0. Pawns will then drop their stuff, I tested this with a new colony on both the Steam workshop and github version both have this problem.



just a question.
Do you think you can made a C# routine which scan's the active def's for relavate data and create auto. patches for them.

Currently all the CE people ask all the other mod author's about compatible/patches for CE. But when CE would made such things itself, post of these patches don't needed.


Quote from: Brumes Wolf on January 22, 2019, 12:02:10 PM
I found an Issue with loadouts, they don't save. after loading a save they all items in a loadout will reset to quantity 0. Pawns will then drop their stuff, I tested this with a new colony on both the Steam workshop and github version both have this problem.

I noticed the same. The create loadout button in the inventory also sets everything to 0.

Brumes Wolf

Quote from: Kori on January 22, 2019, 05:22:26 PM
Quote from: Brumes Wolf on January 22, 2019, 12:02:10 PM
I found an Issue with loadouts, they don't save. after loading a save they all items in a loadout will reset to quantity 0. Pawns will then drop their stuff, I tested this with a new colony on both the Steam workshop and github version both have this problem.

I noticed the same. The create loadout button in the inventory also sets everything to 0.

I've reported it on the github and NIA has seen it, so hopefully this will get fixed soon because it renders the mod almost unplayable



1.1 Hotfix released: fixes the loadout item counts resetting to 0 on loading a save.
"The power of friendship destroyed the jellyfish."

Brumes Wolf

Quote from: NoImageAvailable on January 22, 2019, 07:02:15 PM

1.1 Hotfix released: fixes the loadout item counts resetting to 0 on loading a save.

Thanks for the fast action on fixing this.


Quote from: Canute on January 22, 2019, 01:56:14 PM
just a question.
Do you think you can made a C# routine which scan's the active def's for relavate data and create auto. patches for them.

Currently all the CE people ask all the other mod author's about compatible/patches for CE. But when CE would made such things itself, post of these patches don't needed.

That would be really awesome, if it could be solved this way :)


I've just started a tribal run and noticed that I can't craft arrows AT ALL. I'm using the Tribal Essentials Mod and have not unlocked any benches yet (only have access to a crafting spot until I finish the research). Is arrow crafting available at the smithy or some sort of ammo station? I remember that in Combat Extended around A17 you could craft arrows at a crafting spot with some wood.


Edit: Just discovered that my colonist pawns cannot treat wounds with CE. They complete the action and get exp for it, but the wounds stay untended. Help?


Quote from: whyareuhere on January 23, 2019, 07:53:21 PM
I've just started a tribal run and noticed that I can't craft arrows AT ALL. I'm using the Tribal Essentials Mod and have not unlocked any benches yet (only have access to a crafting spot until I finish the research). Is arrow crafting available at the smithy or some sort of ammo station? I remember that in Combat Extended around A17 you could craft arrows at a crafting spot with some wood.

Looking at the Def for arrows, it looks like you need a smithy to make it:
  <ThingDef Class="CombatExtended.AmmoDef" Name="AmmoArrowBase" ParentName="NeolithicAmmoBase" Abstract="True">
    <description>Simple arrow design with a cutting head attached to a wooden shaft.</description>

I guess you cound add Crafting spot to the list, but i don't know the correct syntax.