Downloads for OLDer versions?

Started by Thundercraft, June 14, 2017, 12:26:40 AM

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I'm sure that I'm not the first player to ask this, but:

Is there any way to obtain downloads for older versions?

I still have my email which provides a link to the "DRM-free personal download link(s)". However, all this does is provide four different links to the latest (A17) version, one each for Windows, Linux, Mac and a "Prototype Pack"... whatever that is.

I just want to know if there is a way to legitimately obtain older DRM-free versions. The reason I ask is because I'm trying to update some old A15 mods and this is much easier to do when I can use a file comparison tool with the original A15 Core files.


Nope, you have to archive them yourself if you want to keep access to them.


Aw... shucks.

Well, what's the "Prototype Pack" for, anyway?


The prototype pack contains the various test games that Tynan did before RimWorld.
Effectively they are what evolved to RimWorld.


If you have the game on steam you can play previous versions, up to A14


That's true - in the Betas tab you can play anything between the latest release and A14. Just not older than that because those alphas aren't on Steam.