
Started by horus, June 28, 2017, 07:31:10 AM

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I think the way armor works now makes the game significanly easier. While it may seem that your colonists are in bigger danger of death you always tend to output more damage than recieve at higheer difficulties and therefore get significantly more out of the nerf.
In previous alphas once the heavy armored raiders come you feel the massive increase in difficulty of taking them down. even with no cover it would take many shots to kill. now I didn't even notice the moment they started to wear it. centropeds (giant robots) are a total joke now - you don't even need to kite them any more. 3 snipers of mine took out 3 of them with no kiting and it took 6 shot each to kill, waf? before I would have to make sure that I use rotations as otherwise snipers would starve to death while kiting 3 monsters.


does armor even STOP damage below a certain treshold? It should, that's how it works.

Anything below X = no damage at all
Above X, below Y = reduced damage
Above Y = armor ignored

Also, we could use more damage types. Blunt and slash are not enough. Heat, piercing, etc...