[A17b] - Lump of precious resouces - possible bug/design fault

Started by corestandeven, July 04, 2017, 06:08:53 AM

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An event fires up after 30 days when you build the long range mineral scanner. You travel there with your caravan, and when arrive start digging at the resources. You have 9 days before you leave. However, my party starts to starve on day 1, even though I bought enough food for the trip, a few days there to dig the resources, and then back again.

When you go to the 'reform caravan' screen the food you carried is clearly still with the caravan, as it says "x days worth of food" (although you cant see it in the reform screen).

I've created a regular stockpile and dumping stockpile just to see if the caravan supplies are then dumped on the local map and need to be moved by pawns. Doesnt do anything. Likewise I've looked around the entire local map and cannot find the food I brought me (or the herbal medicine I brought with me either), nor is it 'equipped' by any of the caravan party. There is no local food sources on the local map itself, so I cant get around the issue by other means. 

So unless i'm missing something it seems this event is bugged or has a bit of design flaw if you cant remain at the location for the 9 days permitted. Clearly if i havent bought enough food in the caravan that is my error, but it isnt the case here. I just cant access the food I bought with me. Hope my explanation is clear. 

If it is flaw then it seems what is needed is a caravan supply stockpile zone, so if your pawns stay they leave everything they brought with them there. 


Click pawn, right click muffalo (or whatever), if its in there inv, open gear tab and click drop next to relevant food stuff.

Does that not work?
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Thanks skullywag. It isnt clear or obvious, but you are right that if you click on a pawn then under 'Gear' and then 'Inventory' there is the food.

Odd that pawns in the caravan will starve rather than tuck into the food in the inventory, and arguably it should be easier to unload the caravan inventory in one go if staying in a location more than 24 hours, but it is not a bug as I first feared. Can a moderator please close this thread?


Perhaps we could allow colonists to take food from other animals inventory, though it's a lack of feature, not a bug. Thanks for reporting though.