My (huge) list of additions and reblances for Rimworld.

Started by DubskiDude, July 06, 2017, 10:16:07 PM

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Some stuff I posted on Typical Tuesday: Ground-penetrating scanner will "spawn" more underground mining nodes every few months. Prevents long-term colonies from running out of mining spots.

- Unforbidding tool (like harvest/mining tool)

- Buff to address "joy deprived" when raiding an enemy. Raids are more important than playing horseshoes.

- Randomly generated abandoned camps or structures that are discovered (rarely) while caravaning. Could contain valuable items, an injured recruitable pawn, or enemies.

- A "repair items bench". Self-explanatory, but is only cost effective when repairing hard to make items like guns or power armor.


Quote from: DubskiDude on July 06, 2017, 10:16:07 PM
Rebalance sandbags to be either cheaper to make or more effective at cover than walls. It doesn't make sense when sandbags cost 5-6 metal per placement and give 65% cover, when wood walls give 75% and can be made out of wood. Plus, it doesn't make sense that SANDbags are made out of metal.

You mean sandbags should be build out of sand and some leather/cloth? :o


It'd be cool to be able to make gravel out of stone chunks at a stonecutter's table to make sandbags with. Though that might make making sandbags a little more complicated. Maybe a sandbag buff would balance it out.


Some additional suggestions I've come up with:

- Social fights shouldn't result in destroyed limbs. Broken (and fixable) fingers maybe, but not digits being torn off. Doesn't seem very reasonable to me.

- Add fences for animals, to make a pasture. Could slow movement of pawns passing over it, but prevent animals from moving over it.

- Colonists shouldn't have the option to use a neurotrainer if the associated skill is disabled for them.

- Customize the "hunt" command, i.e. allow the player to remove small animals like rats and raccoons from being selected.

- Blood should disappear quicker from unroofed areas.

- "Favored weapon" traits. Thread about that here:


I support almost everything. A lot of it are just making sense, and it's silly, that they are not implemented or fixed yet. Please Tynan, take a look at this list, and help to make the game more playable for longplays. More features yes - also, but we need the most of this so badly


Quote from: wobarch on August 09, 2017, 09:09:23 AM
I support almost everything. A lot of it are just making sense, and it's silly, that they are not implemented or fixed yet. Please Tynan, take a look at this list, and help to make the game more playable for longplays. More features yes - also, but we need the most of this so badly

Glad to hear! Though something of note, I had a quick exchange with Tynan on Reddit and it seems he's more interested in developing larger, fully-fleshed out systems rather than adding a quantity of smaller ones (quality over quantity)? I may have misinterpreted what he told me, and I'm hoping it doesn't mean he's neglecting the small (but numerous) additions/balances the community provides, like what I've posted.

For reference, this is what he told me: "From my POV, coming up with ideas isn't really the hard part, it's choosing between them that is. I have an internal process for this that involves a 60+ page prioritization document and a bunch of specific exercises for extracting and refining design concepts. But that's really a one man job.

I wish I could respond more to public suggestions, but I am outnumbered by hundreds of thousands to one!

Anyway, glad you like the game. Ty"


A few additions to the list:

- Ability to at least partially gauge a refugee colonist's usefulness before accepting them (and triggering the raid). I've accepted a colonist only to find that they're useless, and the raid then proceeds to smash us.

- Randomized and/or better rewards from fallen ships. Currently, it only seems like a chore to get rid of them. Silver + steel isn't all that valuable as the game progresses, and AI Persona Cores are more of a requirement rather than a decent incentive.

- Downed colonists that have recovered should pick up their weapon when healthy if its nearby (cuts down on micromanaging them slightly).

- Rework or remove "ate without table". Firstly, too many NPCs just forget there's a table(s) available to them, and also, why would someone IRL be sad they ate without one? Doesn't make much sense, imo.

- Caravans should not be immobile at night. A colonist died of starvation (2 days without food - gasp!) because the caravan I sent to save them wouldn't move at night.


Most of these suggestions are really good, and I would also like them to be part of the game.


I'm new to playing, but I want to add my thoughts.  This will definitely take multiple entries.

- Pawns with miniguns shouldn't automatically fire if an ally is in their line of fire. Friendly fire should also be retooled.
I don't agree with this.  This is a frightening world to the pawns and most aren't military.  I can see them firing wildly.

- Add market value parameters for smithing, destroying, etc. so the player can keep stuff worth selling.
Considering how low things sell for.  This isn't useful.

- Add an option to recruit family/lovers from allied factions without incurring badwill. Or something simple like a "hey, want to join our colony?" while they pass by.
I believe the Hospitality mod allows this to some extent.

- Pawns should never walk through fire.
True, the pathfinding isn't great.

- Option to spay/neuter animals.
Again, I believe a mod exists for this.

- More miscellaneous items like telescopes and glow pods.
Would love this, right now you only have sculptures.

- (BUG) Pawns won't haul grenades to stockpile zone that are set to restrict item quality.
Haven't seen, can't comment.

- "Doctor needed" event.
Good idea.

- Craftable bionic parts during the late game.
There are a couple good bionic/prosthetic mods.

- Animals put into a frenzy due to the "revenge" event should lose their "manhunter" status after downing/killing the pawn that triggered the event.
Nope, again, this is Rimworld and the animals have some modifications.  I like this.

- (BUG) Hunter pawns that are incapable of hauling will haul the animal they hunted, but not when you tell them to manually.
that's hunting.

- Craftable hearing aids. Functions just like peg legs, but for hearing.
I can see this.

- Allow pawns with higher social to attempt to snap people out of mental breaks.
With the risk of a fight, sure.

- Tornadoes, hurricanes, and other dangerous weather.
I could see this.  Right now you only have the thunderstorms.

- Allow pawns to release a prisoner if the prisoner is sleeping.
overkill.  the current method works.

- Add more implants to enhance a pawn but disable skills like Social.
Not for me.  Others might like.

- Add painkillers that can be crafted at a drug lab, to help with pain.
So Aleve for your pawns.  :P

- Berserk and Animal Revenge should put the game at 1x speed the second the alert pops up.
My first reaction when the alert signals is to hit space to pause the game.  Not sure this matters that much.

- Nerf Muscle Parasites.
No, its part of the fun that is diseases.

- Allow the player to arrange the order of pawn icons at the top of the screen.
could be useful.  I just tolerate the order.

- Fix caravans going the exact opposite direction of their objective when traveling on the world map.
Caravans try to go the quickest way, so I can see them moving away if it gets them to a road or avoids mountains.

- Buff penoxcycline or switch up its effect.
No drug should always work.

- Add a late-game multivitamin to automatically boost NPC immunity by 5-10%.
interesting idea.  Could be useful.

- Swap the "master" column and the bonded animal follow options column in the Animals tab.
I wouldn't use this.

- Outdoor temperature should rise/fall with the weather.

- Uninstalling/reinstalling should be able to use Construction and/or Hauling.
ever moved and had to disassemble something.  Many don't go back together easy.  I think this should remain Construction.

- Add a "study" option for pawns, or a study bench.
No.  You can't learn shooting by reading a book.  Experience is the best teacher.

- Different stages of Torso Frailty/Hearing Loss/etc.
Makes sense.

- Add the ability to capture an NPC without having to build a house during caravaning or raiding.
So you drag him along in chains?  I guess I could see that.  But most NPCs have to be hurt bad before you can capture them.  Most would die when you started moving.

- Disable "Fire!" alerts when its raining.
Maybe have a size filter, but leave it in.  Sometimes the rain stops before the fire is out.

- Make "Overhead Mountain" removable.
Makes sense to me.

- Make neutroamine craftable.
It is a pain to get. 

- Smelting certain advanced guns should give one component each.
haven't done this.  I don't have an opinion.

- Ability to direct a tamed animal to attack a certain target without involving the animal's master.
tamed animals should obey their master.  leave this alone.

- Dismiss alerts without having to click "Ok".
Someone said you can right click to make them go away.

- Add a "short range mineral detector" that can show whether or not mountains on the map have ore inside them.
could be useful.

- Tamed animals shouldn't get food poisoning.

- Other faction types besides tribal, outlander, and pirate.
The medieval mod adds factions, as does the beastman tribes mod.  Check out mods for this.

- (BUG) Colonist won't stay in their hospital bed, even when prioritized and with Patient and Bedrest set to 1.
yes, I agree.

- No instant death when a colonist's liver is destroyed/removed.
I have no opinion on this.

- "Deep Space Beacon" alternate ending/game mode.
some might like this.

- Fire extinguisher item.
yes, even a fire blanket could be nice.

- Give Research more uses besides just upgrade unlocking.
many mods add a lot more to research.  This is still developing.

- Work stations should list what skill they require.
once you get them memorized it doesn't matter.

- Animals should not be able to stun players when they attack.
Nope, that's part of the danger of hunting.

- Something to lower the chance of random binges from chemical fascination.
haven't had this happen, so I don't know what to say.

- Ability to set a "firefighting" zone.
agreed, or you can build fire breaks using flagstone.

- Late game Research option that reduces the chance of machine breakdowns.

- "Replace with" command. Say I want to replace my walls for my fridge.
There is a mod that allows wall replacement.

- Pawn schedules in the Restrict tab should not take precedent during a raid/siege/manhunter pack.
That seems more like patient wasn't set high enough.

- Prioritized actions should override NPC combat AI.
I use the combat extended mod, and haven't had this problem.

- Doctors should never prioritize anything over doctoring when their priority is set to 1.
Doctors need rest too, but I agree, they should prioritize better.

- Switch up "ugly environment" debuff.
I agree that its very hard to get the environment up.  Seems puzzling to me.

- Arresting someone (say, for starting fires or binging) removes the pawn from a bed's ownership.
same with sending someone with a caravan.  It does make sense though.

- Don't force the player out of a raided map once the fighting is done.

- Categorize wounds/dismemberments by the limb they're attached to, and not sort by the type of dismemberment. Its slightly confusing to see "left finger, right finger, left femur, right shoulder". A menu with a body silhouette showing what limbs are missing would also be helpful.

- Bigger, more intricate NPC colonies and camps.
This is a dangerous world, populations will be small.

- Faction "capitals". Each faction should have a larger, better defended location to serve as their capital, with better trade options and better fortifications.
Interesting idea.

- Arresting an NPC who started a social fight either becomes less likely to do it again.
interesting idea.

- Add more traps besides deadfall and IED.
several mods add more traps.

- NPC factions should not lose goodwill if the player was not involved in their NPC's death.
had this happen to me when 2 visitors ran into a cougar right at the edge of the map, agreed.

- Combine "colored lights" with "microelectronics basics".
nah, its part of making a choice.  I'd rather the colored lights improved the environment a bit more though.

- Add camping tents, an alternative to beds when on the go.
A mod adds this already.  Tribal Basics, I believe.

- Allow NPCs to tend to others without the need for a bed or sleeping spot by selecting a doctor.
Yes, please.

- Rebalance sandbags to be either cheaper to make or more effective at cover than walls.
Well, you can shoot over sandbags, and with the combat extended mod the bags become even more useful since you crouch when behind cover.

- Lower sterile tile cost. 15 silver per tile is quite a steep price.
It should be high, but it does seem a bit excessive.

- More combat-based challenges in Rimworld.
I just want more of everything.  :)

- Conquest mode: an additional game mode focused on defeating a faction or defending your settlement(s) and doesn't involve escaping the planet.
I'm here for the basebuilding.  But I know others like to campaign and conquer.

- Underground maps.
Not sure i'd use, but there are mods.


Part 2 of my thoughts.

- Reduce the time it takes for moisture pumps to increase their radius.
I'd say they should be slow.  After all what created the mud to begin with?

- Add an option to allow pawns to turn stone ground into farmable earth.
There is a tilled soil mod, you have to research, but once you have you can lay soil on rock.

- Allow pawns to haul more than one drug item to the crematorium.
so a pawn inventory?  I think there is a mod, but not sure it would have them grab multiple drugs to burn.

- There should be a "forage" option for caravans.
Herbivores in caravans will forage.  So its a matter of planning, or stopping to "settle" and pick berries/hunt.

- Downed/sleeping animals seem much harder to hit with a ranged weapon than.
agreed.  Its funny to watch a hunter shoot a downed animal 5 times to kill it.  It should never take more than 1.

- Add a "Victory!" mood buff when the colonists fend off a raid/siege.
I like this.

- Add an "organize items" command to order pawns to stack similar items together on the same tile up to the maximum.
There is a mod that does this.  Stackmerger I believe.

- Add an "edit caravan inventory" to allow the player to correct any mistakes in caravan preparation.
Caravans need extensive fixes regarding organization.  They take far to long to put together.

- Add a "recraft" option for items with quality modifiers.
Nope.  I don't like this idea.

- Buff Component Assembly Bench in some way.
Ah, but perhaps you could be trading for them. 

- Add a "banish colonist" option, for when you want to get rid of someone.

- Setting IEDs next to a crashed ship part should not alert the mechanoids within.

- Lengthen the time it takes for a drafted NPC to undraft themselves.
good idea.

- Increase the detection radius for fire poppers to go off.
makes sense.  although I think the poppers are supposed to be like sprinklers.

- Add an option for doctors to surgically fix shattered ribs/femurs/etc, either with surgery or adding a splint.
surgery yes, splints don't work for ribs or femurs.

- Add a cheaper, less effective version of the personal shield belt for early/mid game melee pawns.
I think the medieval times mod adds shields.

- NPCs should repeat a prioritized action more before returning to their regular AI path.
or just a better way to set up prioritized actions.

- You should be able to prioritize an NPC to sleep.
yes, by clicking on their assigned bed, please.

- You should be able to manually prioritize multiple NPCs at once.
like organizing a group of troops in any RTS.

- NPCs in medical beds should not get "disturbed sleep" debuff from doctors.

- NPCs should not drop the item they're hauling when reprioritized.
nah.  you told them to "drop everything and do this."

- Non-combatant NPCs should automatically avoid the combat area when a Raid, Siege, Manhunter Pack, or other dangerous event is triggered.
set them to flee and they will.

- An additional option for NPC outfit presets to prevent them from wearing deadman's clothing.
Mine never seem to use deadman's clothing.

- Nemesis system.
interesting idea. 

- Remove the "Area Revealed" notification for areas that are 1x1 or 2x2 in size.

- Add a deadman's apparel toggle for stockpile zones.
just don't strip corpses and bury them with their boots on.  :P

- Nerf or remove prisoner execution mood debuff, or extend the time it takes for "guilty" to wear off.
choose faster.  :P

- Doors should automatically open if set to "hold open".
These aren't automatic doors, at least not until you research them.  No.

- Add more "reinstall" functions for most constructable items.
It makes some sense.  The larger items probably can't be uninstalled without damaging them. 

- Show NPC efficiency percentages next to "overview" stats.
Nah.  I like it how it is. and there is a mod adding a full medical tab that provides this.

- Show skill efficiency with "overview" stats calculated in.
Too much.  You need to get to know your pawns.

- Fix pod launching.
sounds like the problem with caravan loading.

- NPCs should not shoot "Berserk" NPCs.
I believe you can fix this in the settings to that only melee weapons are used to subdue a berserk pawn.

- A simple "Hope" mood buff to all NPCs when a rocket piece is built.
Makes sense.

- Mid to late game plastic surgery to (partially?) fix disfigurement, like shot off ears and noses.
So plastic surgery.  would need research I think, but it might work.


And the last part of my thoughts.  (for now. :P  )

- Social fights shouldn't result in destroyed limbs.
I agree, but I haven't had one that did.

- Add fences for animals, to make a pasture.
there are at least 2 mods that add fences.

- Colonists shouldn't have the option to use a neurotrainer if the associated skill is disabled for them.

- Customize the "hunt" command.
there is a mod that adds a wildlife tab and you can assign animals to hunt from there.

- Blood should disappear quicker from unroofed areas.
true in real life, but this is rimworld.

- "Favored weapon" traits.
Not a huge factor for me.


Quote from: ArguedPiano on July 06, 2017, 10:38:48 PM
There is a lot, A LOT, here. And honestly I read none of it. I am willing to bet very few people will read much of this too.

Because it's a shapeless, unorganized mess.