
Started by cursedrena, July 17, 2017, 03:38:43 AM

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I'm not totally sure how much this topic,if any, has been brought up, but I feel this would be a nice feature for the game. I absolutely love the health system in this game and I myself just have a massive bias to status affects in general. The only animal I'm aware of that currently would have it naturally is the cobra and the insects, but this could be easily changed later.

As for how it would work, it could be just kept simple at first, maybe just dealing damage over time or affecting pain and consciousness etc. More in depth though, obviously not all poisons and venom are the same, so you could have a variety of poisons for specific situations like poisons to slow reflexes and speed, outright kill, rapidly increase chance and speed of infection(ala komodo dragon), greatly increase bleeding rate, poison for those pesky insects etc~ Some basically do the same thing but add different flavor.
Is it wrong to want to watch a raider get mauled by 20 sneks and succumb to acute venom buildup?


I am at work Atm but last time i had cobras, they also could poisen an enemy.
Perhaps a look at the wiki?


I haven't played in a good bit for various reasons, but I do remember reading that cobras could do so, but when I tried it out, I didn't notice anything i.e. playing a game with like 10 tamed cobras and sicking them on the first raider stupid enough to attack me. Raider's health tab didn't mention anything about poison in the version I last played and the guy sure was taking a lot of bites.

could be working now though. If so, then yay, I'll test it out again when I get the chance~ Mostly what I hope for in the future be it distant or near is the ability to put a unique poison on a weapon(probably melee but maybe if you add a gun it converts it to fire lower damage syringes) Preferably like bullets are infinite in this game you wouldn't have to reapply poison once you do it once.
Is it wrong to want to watch a raider get mauled by 20 sneks and succumb to acute venom buildup?


From the wiki about cobras
"Their bite is toxic and will cause the Toxic Buildup effect to occur, though it is usually very slight."
Its not very usefull atm or i couldnt use it right.


Might be there as a placeholder then if it doesn't really do much yet. One day I'll have my dangerous and lethally venomous cobra army. From my test, right now they're pretty much danger noodles with teeth.
Is it wrong to want to watch a raider get mauled by 20 sneks and succumb to acute venom buildup?


Yeah, but on the bright side, due to cobra's effects, it's fairly simple in xml to make animals cause hypothermia or have a gun that just gives humans intense toxic buildup when fired at them.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


I really like the idea of additional poisons, thou its kinda of a nice extra feature which would make a good mod rather than something that has to be in the base game.

what would also be fun is poisoned food or bait for predators. rather than risk hunting the dangerous game just take a fresh tasty looking rabbit (laced with some poison, or sleeping agent) for the predator to gobble down and take a long  nap latter.


I would need some sort of basic guide to where the proper xml files are located or how to make them to do that. I've not looked at the game's inner files so I wasn't even aware it used xmls. Definitely interested~ Also since I didn't see it on the wiki and obviously not in game, what does toxic buildup even do statistically?

And yea, I'm definitely not too picky whether it's a mod or official. (Official probably a little better since you can probably always just mod over those if they didn't fit your tastes) Just wanted to get the idea for stuff out there. Using poisons for traps is definitely a nice possibility. Sleeping most likely since anything else would be risking poisoning yourself if you ate it.(brings up an interesting idea with raiders poisoning your food supply)
Is it wrong to want to watch a raider get mauled by 20 sneks and succumb to acute venom buildup?


Quote from: cursedrena on July 17, 2017, 09:45:58 AM
Also since I didn't see it on the wiki and obviously not in game, what does toxic buildup even do statistically?
Starting at 4% severity, it starts hitting your consciousness (by 5% at first and increasing at each stage). At 40% it induces vomiting and has a chance of causing dementia or a carcinoma although it's unlikely; these effects also increase with each stage (at 60% and 80%, becoming almost certain in the last stage). At 100% it's fatal.

However, the cobra bite inflicts only .1% per damage, and at 10 damage per bite, you'd need four or five unmitigated hits before it even shows up, let alone becomes dangerous.


Quote from: cursedrena on July 17, 2017, 09:45:58 AM
I would need some sort of basic guide to where the proper xml files are located or how to make them to do that. I've not looked at the game's inner files so I wasn't even aware it used xmls. Definitely interested~ Also since I didn't see it on the wiki and obviously not in game, what does toxic buildup even do statistically?

And yea, I'm definitely not too picky whether it's a mod or official. (Official probably a little better since you can probably always just mod over those if they didn't fit your tastes) Just wanted to get the idea for stuff out there. Using poisons for traps is definitely a nice possibility. Sleeping most likely since anything else would be risking poisoning yourself if you ate it.(brings up an interesting idea with raiders poisoning your food supply)

After checking again, it's located with the hediff defs. Along with stuff such as anesthetic effect, burns, bloodloss, anything that effects your character. As far as I know, the cobra is a special very interesting case, as it's the only instance of a weapon causing specific effects through hediffs. This allows you to literally cause dementia through weapons, or inflict frostbite, etc. Really neat stuff. A poison hediff shouldn't be too difficult, if you used the base of an illness which gets stronger over time.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


If you look up the cobra's pawn def, you can see that it uses a unique damage def in its bite attack. If you look up that damage def, you'll find it has a property that causes it to attach a hediff (other than the physical wound) to the target on hit.

So your steps would be:
- (optional) Create a hediff for your poison. You can make it reduce people's movement, shooting, whatever you feel like. Alternatively you could pick one that's already there. Invent a gun that makes people drunk!
- Create a damage def that applies the hediff of your choice. Take the basic damage def of your choice, make a copy of it, and stick in the code from the cobra bite (changing the hediff in the code to reference the one you want, naturally).
- Finally, make the weapon/pawn/trap/whatever else apply that type of damage instead of its normal damage type.


Quote from: cursedrena on July 17, 2017, 09:45:58 AM
Just wanted to get the idea for stuff out there. Using poisons for traps is definitely a nice possibility. Sleeping most likely since anything else would be risking poisoning yourself if you ate it.(brings up an interesting idea with raiders poisoning your food supply)

I wonder how easy it would be to make it so that Poisoned food is only edible to animals and not people, sort of like how Thrumbo and Alpha Beavers can eat wood but People and other animals can't.