Game crashing due to mod conflict

Started by Plasmatic, July 21, 2017, 07:10:20 AM

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So I know this is a mod conflict, but I'm trying to figure out what is conflicting so I can turn one of them off.

So far, the game log is clear during a game, but the game hickups seemingly every tick at higher than 1x, x2 and x3 makes pawns warp or rubber band around every couple of seconds. (I assume a tick is every couple seconds) so I assume some mod is checking something every single tick making the game stutter. But I will look into on that after I get the crash issue below fixed.. (unless its the same mod conflict causing this)

And the bigger issue, after a couple minutes of play the game crashes to desktop.

I attached my output log file (it is however an .ODT file (Open office text) It was the easiest way I found to fit it into the 600kB upload limit on attachments). After looking at it myself it seems like my colonist bar (ColonistBarKF) is trying to work with thoughts that are added by another mod and not working it out properly and thus crashing.

But I really don't know how to read the log at all, I just see references to ColonistBarKF and thoughts within what looks like error reports and I made assumptions based on that.

Can anybody take a quick look and tell me if I'm on the right track?

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]