Is it possible to drop pod to help a caravan between tiles?

Started by asanbr, August 26, 2017, 06:14:15 PM

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I had a wanderer join on an empty colony that had been killed by mechs.

He was also incapable of violence.

I figured the only chance of saving him was to form a caravan and get out.

He did get out but only after being shot 3 times by a scyther.

Now he has 6 hours to bleed to death and 15 hours to move 1 tile on the world map.

I tried drop podding another person on him to help, but when I click on his location on the map, the drop pod lands on the same map he exited, where he is no longer, but the mechs are. Not very helpful.


Since dropping on him didn't work, I tried to drop on the tile he is moving towards, hoping that if this caravan moves towards him, they can meet.

Doesn't look too good.

Next thing he is downed from bleeding. Is there really nothing that can be done? Seems like some missing game design here. We have drop pods with ~10m accuracy, they should be able to drop into a caravan and help out.


What happens if you select both caravans? A "Merge" command should appear. If it doesn't then it needs to be fixed.


I didn't know that it was possible to select two caravans.

But I think they were on different tiles, so it wouldn't help.

Maybe if I'd dropped the second person in the map that the bleeding guy exited, and then formed a new caravan, and exited in the same direction?

Problem 1) takes a lot of time (he would probably bleed to death before the caravan was moving), 

2) mechs are still there and would molest the dropped person like they did with the first.

I just want to spawn a small map (like when a caravan gets ambushed), to drop into and patch him up, then get going. That should be possible, don't you agree?


Yes, it should definitely be possible to drop into existing caravans and help them. I think in this case it would be possible to merge them even if they were on different tiles, because we also check raw, real distance between caravans.

Caravans merging was a bit confusing in A17, so in A18 the "Merge" command is now always present and when pressed informs the player to select both caravans in order to merge them.
