Actual cannons?

Started by OrangeTurtle, May 07, 2014, 03:17:19 PM

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We have shells, we have missiles, but what about cannons and missile launchers? its probably coming in a future update but if anyone knows please tell me when i can blow up raiders faces with a missile! Ty


I think it would work similar to how grenade launchers do. If some does make it, Here's what I'd like to see:
- limited view range (about 90dg)
- fixed position, so cannot rotate to see the back
- very long range (2x m-24?)
- locks target(will not move), 1 sec delay better in straight line
- wide damage radius, creates fire

I dont know it some of it will be possible in next Alpha release
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Quote from: deadbeat88 on May 08, 2014, 07:59:44 PM
- fixed position, so cannot rotate to see the back
- locks target(will not move), 1 sec delay better in straight line
With these two, I'd rather have:
- limited firing arc, say 60 or 90 degrees
- locks target's last position, like grenades and molotovs.

Locking the last position instead of target won't matter too much, due to the wide damage radius.
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actually i am working on a turret. an artillary sort of still in development
i need help on manual firing on turrets it shoots long range blows shell in radius

check it at Xweaponry mod
planning to add missile silo that launches missiles (will make one once artillary is done)


Did a cannon in clutter but the one you describe are kinda hard to do,  you would need to rewrite the top turret movment, arc detection im not even sure how to get to that :D
And then is the texture size that is limited for top turret to 64x64 and turret bottom to a bit bigger one, something like 2x2+1( with overdraw)
All i do is clutter all around.