Which MODs are not OP and close to Vanilla?

Started by Trblz42, August 16, 2017, 01:19:04 PM

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StacksXXL can be OP. But I too use it with x2 for most item types. That cuts down on the excessive storage requirements a bit, but doesn't eliminate them

I mostly use quality of life mods that make management less tedious. CleaningArea for example allows you to seperate cleaning from the home zone. The WorkTab of course to have finer control over jobs. Quality Builder to always have the best person on a job.
And UI mods like Colonist Bar and Medical Tab. Several hair mods to add some variety
Or something like Trading Spot that removes the annoyance of traders getting in the way of combat

Miniaturisation is great to move stuff around you wouldn't otherwise be able to. Also includes some items you maybe shouldn't be able to move, but you can freely edit the mod files

Then there are ones that add new features, but aren't overpowered and fit well with the game. Such as Hospitality or RimFridge


My mod list largely consists of QoL stuff, and the rest is just minor and balanced additions. Not entirely sure on what the policy is in this discussion of mentioning already mentioned mods, but I guess it's just for agreement's purposes. I'd be posting my entire mod list here since I'm very picky about what mods I choose, but I'll just pick out some of the highlights. Post-listing note: Turns out I stated most of my mod list :P

Anyway, here goes:
- Allow Dead Man's Apparel (filter that's definitely needed for stuff like apparel management)
- Allow Tool (RimWorld's swiss army knife)
- Area Unlocker (removes the area limitations)
- Firepit + Torch Sconce (versions of campfire and torch that don't disappear upon running out of fuel, former's particularly useful)
- Better Workbench Management (spiritual successor to Enhanced Crafting IMO)
- Really Toxic Fallout (complications that toxic buildup gives can occur at all severities)
- Medical Tab (quick and convenient medical overview)
- The Return Of The Megatherium (personal preference)
- Minigun Handling Techniques (allows you to aim anywhere with the minigun)
- Set Up Camp (what it says on the tin)
- No Firewatcher (no more convenient rain when there's massive wildfires)
- Number 22 With Rice (defaults hydroponics to rice)
- Numbers (I think we all know what this does)
- Wildlife Tab (DF has this functionality, why not RW)
- QualityBuilder (allows you to set a quality target for structures. auto-deconstruct designate if the quality's below target)
- Pawns are Capable (dburg's 'No Trait' release)
- Spoon's Hair Mod (adds a bit of hair variety, but still looks nice with the vanilla hairstyles)
- Stack Merger (your pawns are now capable of tidying up!)
- Haul to Stack (synergises well with the above)
- Wolfpack (wolves spawn in packs instead of on their own, but also reduces their spawn rate)
- Seasonal Weather (adds new biome-dependent weather types)
- Bridgello (adds bridges, and that's all there is to it)
- Force Do Job (final piece of the 'Look at me, I'm the worker now' puzzle)
- Don't Shave Your Head (see that beautiful hair under them hats)

And then as for shameless self-promotion as I aim to make very vanilla-friendly mods:
- Quality Cooldown (weapon quality slightly affects CD time, condition also affects ranged weapon CD)
- Plant Cutting is for Growers (plant cutting's relevant skill is growing)
- Vanilla-Friendly Weapon Expansion (vanilla-style weapons, both in balance and aesthetics)
- Hand 'n' Footwear (adds gloves and boots)
- Temperature Tolerant (re-adds the heat and cold tolerant traits, but more subtle, and one extra)
- Simple Plastic (adds plastic and balanced synthread production)

Honourable Mentions:
- Combat Extended (completely overhauls the combat system and increases lethality)
- ItchyFlea's Log Walls (outdated, but easy to update. Re-adds log walls!)
- EPOE (significantly diversifies prosthetics. Slightly imbalanced by default, but I made a patch that fixes this issue)
- Extended Fabrics (neat changes to the fabrics system. Requires a few tweaks to fully balance it)
- Prepare Carefully (another DF feature)


> - Number 22 With Rice (defaults hydroponics to rice)

WM Hydroponics IMO better. It allows setting a default to any plant holder, including mod ones.

> Simple Plastic

I prefer Carbon. It is a plastic on steroids! Yeah, shameless self-promotion too.

> ItchyFlea's Log Walls

Tribal Essentials has log walls too. And some other nice staff.


Ah, I see you're also behind Animal Logic, bravo!

Never actually got around to trying that one. Been busy sinking time into M&B:W since I'm pretty burnt out on RimWorld.



yea a lot of these mods that have been suggested are not OP, and perhaps only slightly vary from the Vanilla Game, but the truth is that when you add a few of them together, their cumulative small deviations from the Vanilla game ADD UP, and at some point their cumulative differences push your modded game out of the Vanilla Category.

Therefore I'm carefull with the Term (Vanilla) and (close to Vanilla),  and really this distinction will be very important if we ever get some kind of multiplayer or shared world setting.

One person looks at their friends modded world which they labeled (Vanilla) and they wonder what they mean when they use the term.


You're right and that's why I choose "close to vanilla". Many QoL mods are fine tough some may argue that they are actually changing already too much. It really depends on personal preferences.

Take some of the mods to make & install prosthetics for humans and animals. Definitely not vanilla but OP depends on how the mod is balanced (ie resource used, mood impact, chances on failure to operate etc).

My own goal is to identify a set of QoL + minor mods as a baseline to start games. On top of that I may still add mods for specific purposes (ie combat extended, slavery etc). For development of mods I want to make sure that everything works with this baseline set.
Don't panic and carry a towel


FWIW I mostly play unmodded, but I branched out in my latest game to experiment. This list is in order from least (IMO) game-changing to most:

My preference so far would be: Replace Walls, Export Bills (or whatever it's called) for pure QoL improvements (ie as close to vanilla as possible). Maybe Colony Manager too, altho I've not yet tried it. ACE & Notifications should be good, but for some reason Notifications doesn't want to run here

Numbers, SetUpCamp, Quality Builder, Hand Me That Brick & Training (ie shooting/archery/melee target) mods would be next on the list, altho they can be exploited for training purposes if nothing else..

EPOE/RBSE + A Dog Said are further down as they can drastically improve things for your colonists (albeit at some cost). I'm not sure if they're balanced fully WRT vanilla tho..

The rest that I've looked at (& some I've tried) seem to be game changers, so irrelevant to this discussion..

Just my opinion; feel free to agree/disagree if you wish!
Dom 8-)