A button that triggers events

Started by Chicken Plucker, August 17, 2017, 03:41:46 PM

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Chicken Plucker

Hello all, most likely going to be kap'n kav reading as always  8) 8) 8) if not, hello anyway

I am wondering if it requires C# to have a mod that adds a new button that can trigger a specific event (similar to dev mode buttons)

For example, the button will be a manhunter raid button, ready to be called anytime by the player, while also having a 3 day cooldown, is this kind of thing easy to make? Please lemme know, cheerio

Edit: I'm gonna rephrase my question, how do I go about doing this? I remember from an old thread regarding adding buttons, Skully mentioned adding comps. An example of coding would be super mega appreciated with chickens.