"Generating Planet" After Every Game Start/Load. Add the World to the Save File?

Started by gchristopher, August 19, 2017, 08:27:07 PM

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Every time, after starting or loading a game, if you (intentionally or accidentally) try to view the world screen, either for a caravan or mission, the game immediately goes through the "Generating Planet" screen and you get the full delay for generating 100% of a world. Ouch, but at least it's a good time to go get a snack.

Why not just save the world to the save file, it's not like there's a huge amount of data to the world, instead of being forced to re-generate it the first time it's viewed, every time you start playing the game or reload?

This would have the side-benefit of making road construction or other world alterations possible after starting a game.


Restoring won't be much faster than regenerating.

And no, it IS a huge amount of data.