What did i do wrong?

Started by Petrenko, August 20, 2017, 02:34:50 PM

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i'm trying to add an crafing table. An Alter. It has one recipe. Sacrifice Human Meat. And it gives a few items. SoulOre;BloodOre;BoneFragments.

So far i am able to build the altar. I'm also able to set it to the recipe i want. But no pawn is crafting at it.

Here is the code:

1. The Recipe

    <label>Sacrifice Human Meat</label>
    <description>Sacrifice the Meat of a Human..</description>

2. The CraftingTable

<ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
<label>Sacrificing Pit</label>
<Description>Sacrifice to the gods. Requires fuel to "cook".</Description>
<li Class="CompProperties_Refuelable">
<li Class="Powerless.CompProperties_Smoker">

3. One of the Ressources

<ThingDef ParentName="ResourceBase">
<label>Blood Ore</label>
<description>Made by sacrificing human meat. It glows red. Ingredient for Magics</description>
<li Class="CompProperties_Glower">

Thanks in advance for any advice =)


Have a look in 'Core/Defs/WorkGiverDefs/WorkGivers.xml'

It's where you specify which bill use which bench and the skill/capacity required.

I'm sure you'll manage to understand by yourself, judging on how far you've progressed already.