[A17] Jealous pawns Thought doesn't directly lead to best bedroom

Started by Mehni, August 30, 2017, 12:04:25 PM

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What happens:
Pawn A is jealous, and doesn't have the best bedroom assigned. Their mood thought shows "Jealous of Pawn B's bedroom". Assigning pawn A to that bedroom brings another mood thought, "Jealous of Pawn C's bedroom" continue until you've found the best bedroom.

What you expected to happen.
I'd expect the message to show the best bedroom, not a better bedroom. The current implementation causes some type of musical chairs with beds.

Repro steps:
Have multiple bedrooms with varying levels of impressiveness and assign them to different pawns. Assign the pawn with the Jealous trait the worst bedroom, and observe their thoughts. Try and assign them bedrooms as their thoughts change, and observe how many steps are required until they reach the best bedroom. At 20+ colonists this can easily take 5+ steps, depending on uniformity/variety of bedrooms.
