Custom CompProperties?

Started by noobonthisforum, September 07, 2017, 06:41:10 PM

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Does anyone know how to make them or does someone have a template, I thought it would be easy but I spent 3 hours of just repeating myself and getting no where so I'm stuck with having to harvest woolly dragons


You need to do them in C#, I think. To see how that's done, get Jec's tools, and look at how he implemented the various Comps. A pretty easy one to understand is CompOversizedWeapon.
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Thank you!! I didn't know it involved using another language, now I feel silly ::) ::) ::)


It depends, do you want to expand the properties of an existing Comp or make a new one from scratch?
The latter is more simple imo.


public class CompProperties_Consumable : CompProperties
        public int SomeInt;
        public float SomeFloat;

         public CompProperties_Consumable()
            this.compClass = typeof(CompConsumable);

The public CompProperties_Consumable() function basically expose the variables for easy access in the Comp.


public class CompConsumable : ThingComp
        public CompProperties_Consumable Props
                return (CompProperties_Consumable)this.props;

        public void Consume()
            Messages.Message("SomeInt is " + this.Props.SomeInt, MessageSound.Silent);
            Messages.Message("SomeFloat is " + this.Props.SomeFloat, MessageSound.Silent);


I think I would have to make a new one because I want to change the shear and wool texts in game, If i was to do that would I need to use C#?


I think you have to explain more thorough...


So I've been using
<li Class="CompProperties_Shearable">
But in game it shows up as shear wool etc, but what I'm planning on doing is to change it so in game it changes to extract/harvest.


I believe you'll need a custom C# comp for that. Comp shearable produces wool. The code is super clear, it has a ThingDef for wool hard coded.
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While this is the perfect first mod project, Shear Wool text is handled elsewhere. Some jobdriver or... I don't know what classes handle pawn interactions.

The comp only handles the ref to the resource def and checking if a pawn is ready to be sheared. Wool growing is most likely handled by a pawn related class.


Indeed if what is wanted is to make a Wool that has its own non-wool name with a custom graphic this can be done in Xml only, this can indeed be done, as I have done it. Not sure what I was thinking

I'll respond this weekend with an example. One of my A14 mods did this
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Okay, looking at my old mod, what you do is put a comp like this on the animal:
      <li Class="CompProperties_Shearable">

You then define a ThingDef. Mine inherited from ResourceBase. It has nothing to do with wool. When you "shear" the Thrumbo, it produces "thrumbory," like ivory. It can be used to make things.

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Oh didn't know you could just replace the name for custom items but I'll definitely experiment a bit more


You can't just repeat the name you also have to make a thing. Thrumbory is a resource I defined in my game. It's like ivory. You can make things from it.
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