[Mod Request] Elder Scrolls Races

Started by Xerdun, September 10, 2017, 11:32:27 AM

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As the name suggests, I'd love to see more races from the Elder Scrolls universe incorporated through a mod.

I say more as we already have the fantastic Argonian mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=959780399

I would particularly like to see a Khajiit race, I know we have the Orassans, however, I'd much prefer to see a primitive / medieval Khajiit society, in keeping with Elder Scrolls lore

This could then open up to the different elf and human races, as well as orcs - to add some variety.

Currently playing Rimworld with the medieval mods - would love to see the Elder Scrolls races included. From there you could even use ESO as an inspiration for different racial / factional armour sets.
I will either find a way or make one.