Your Favourite Self Appointed Rules/Challenges

Started by Ra_silk, September 12, 2017, 08:36:18 AM

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I was thinking about trying a hippy commune - a completely open drug use policy, encouraged even. Drug fields rated as highly important as food, and addiction is not to be cured. Multiple addictions might actually be seen as an achievement of sorts. The first research needs to be in the drug production for the purpose of using it, perhaps selling if there is a great excess but only then. Non-violent pawns always welcome, 'cos you know - peace man. Always accept anyone who wants to join, especially if chased "by the man". And I think they should be vegetarians too - no meat on the menu even from pod drops. No hunting. Meat is murder, friend. If someone wants to have an affair with someone else, let them. Free love! Traps are bad karma. Not sure about turrets either, but you'd probably need them or they are really likely to be completely doomed, so.... ok. You can heal a downed raider, but no arrests. That's for fascists! There are no prisoners in a commune. If someone takes drugs goes off their nut and wanders off into the bushes, that's their thing man, they are free. Oh, and artists should be encouraged too.

Could it even remotely work? Or would they all die from a single mad rat while smashed out on the floor? Has anyone tried this? It might make a difference which drugs you unlock first. I can imagine it would not end well, could be fun to watch it all go pear shaped.

Definitely not Sceaudufax

Quote from: saulysw on September 13, 2017, 10:35:23 PM
Hippy commune.

Didn't want to repost the entire thing but well written! I love it. I like this in combination with the individual house/town idea.


I have tried Hippy community. No work, no sleep, no whatever, just always JOY schedule. Drug assign is free for all.

Now a lot of healthy problem show up on all pawn within the first year.

Well, since mood is not a problem. Let help those raider carry those lung they have should be fine.


I started the commune experiment last night. I wasn't too picky about my three starters either, because a commune doesn't discriminate, but I did re-roll a couple of times to make sure I had at least the basics covered (medic, planter, miner, construction). I got a couple of chemical fascinations in there, which was a plus. First crop in the ground was smokeleaf, on day 1. However, it does actually take a while before you can get the drugs grown and processed, so somewhat surprisingly it feels more or less like a normal start so far. As a commune, I feel that large shared bedrooms are the go rather than huts. I was going to have crappy wooden houses but my map is really low on wood and one of my pawns can almost do nothing but mine (and is actually pretty good at it), so it is a mountain house.
Then a local gazelle went mad on me. I don't know why, we are all friends here, but hey. In hindsight the community probably should have just holed up inside the base. After all, they are pacifists...but instead I automatically used the playstyle I normally use and got them into defence and the animal was soon dead, no casualties. What to do with the dead animal? I hadn't even built a butchering table due to rare wood and the idea that there would be no meat. It seemed like SUCH a waste to let it rot. That little bunch of pixels really bugged me. Can you even bury animals? I will admit I just couldn't stand to see the waste, rotting away at my front door for weeks, so I built a butchering table. I regret that now. Next time I fire that game up (tonight, after work), I'll disassemble it. Meat is murder. I'll also forbid the meat it made. It'll rot anyway soon, as I don't have a freezer going yet. I was thinking of bending the rules to get leather from naturally killed animals but I think not. Cloth only, and mostly tie-died. Perhaps clothes from a trader, but perhaps not, we'll see. I want to be as non-violent as I can get away with.
So, so far this has been a fun role-play in that it has exposed some tricky choices and differences in my normal survival style. At the moment I am trying hard to get it to the stage where the base has some food/drugs coming in and fundamental defences so they don't die on the first raid, but after that, the goal will get everyone as high as possible.


Quote from: Yoshida Keiji on September 13, 2017, 09:32:08 PM
I'm glad to find out there are others who don't use Killbox.

(In the meantime, I need to go find a better lawyer :P ... preferably male :P)
I never ever built a killbox. Turrets are enough. If we have sandbags.
Eat lead, walking pile of silver! (greedy Player)
I...I can't do it. Leave it alive, please!(inner soul)
It lives 200 years to end up as a jacket?!(realists mind)
If I would go to vacation in off-Earth, even fictional place, I'd choose Nibel.


Do trap maze count as Killbox?

My base use trap maze and a long zig-zag narrow way with 4 door at flank in some spot to let 4 melee pawns to ambush 1 raider at a time. Work like a charm.


I tend to use the trench warfare tactic as a challenge to fight off enemy raids, although this requires me recruiting every raider that gets downed and arming everyone as much as possible.


1. NO KILLBOXES, no matter what happens! I like tactical games and bought rimowrld partially because of that, so now I won't let it turn into a tower defence.
2.Morality - no cannibalism, harvesting organs (only if really needed, but never from my own people), always offering shelter to refugees, when rescue pod arrives always go rescue the guy (but NEVER capture it so that I can recruit him later, let him choose if he wants to stay), no preying on bypassers/guests, no drugs expect alcohol, no sending people to certain death, no using cannon fodder etc, etc.
3.No Dwarf Fortress mode - build a city, not an underground fortress, as people like to see the sun in most cases.
4.No walling off, only lines of trenches and turrets/traps, but all in a natural trench warfare style.
5.Pushing forward no matter what - permadeath (I was glad when I found somewhere on this forum that even if you lose all your people you can still continue and wait for a wanderer to join, because that means that the story can go on forever which I really appreciate because that way I can create not only a story about a group of people, but also a story about a city, as it was burned and rebuilt many times).
6.Technology above all - I really like glittertech and industrialization mods.
7.No melee or bows. Just no. The reason people started using firearms was because they became superior. So no, no one will presuade me that I should consider some melee units in case of tribals/animals or that bows are also not that bad. No Cassandra, don't try to teach me respect for bows, clubs or spears by sending bigger and bigger tribal raids. No savage will ever defeat me, because my guns keep blazing all the time.


Quote from: kubolek01 on September 15, 2017, 01:01:34 AM
Quote from: Yoshida Keiji on September 13, 2017, 09:32:08 PM
I'm glad to find out there are others who don't use Killbox.

(In the meantime, I need to go find a better lawyer :P ... preferably male :P)
I never ever built a killbox. Turrets are enough. If we have sandbags.

Same here. I like designing and improving different defensive strategies, and not just using ones that are easy or too effective.
Should I feel bad that nearly half my posts are in the off topic section?


I like to create a model of me to appoint leader, and upon their death, the game is over. I don't use turrets or spam traps, but I do have a sort of kill box. The leader is not to shy away from battle unless they can't move.

I'd like to experiment with not using kill boxes in my next run, but I may have to rethink how I build my colonies before hand.


My favorite challenge, and the only challenge I actually enjoyed, was the "Sea Ice Extreme" challenge.

The subsequen "extreme desert" one could have been fun, but the pawn that was given with it was not good.  Spending five minutes copying/loading a world only to die in the first minute of gameplay because you failed to construct a wall is ANTI-fun.

Everything else was just varying levels of "No thank you".
Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


I tend to be a more casual easy-mode relaxation type of player, but I still have a few 'rules' I like to play by.

1)  No killboxes.  They take the fun and danger out of raids.

2)  Moral High Ground.  This can be surprisingly tough and encompasses a bunch of little sub-rules.  No drugs for colonists.  All addictions must be cured.  All refugees must be accepted and cared for, all crashed pods must be rescued, all downed raiders must be captured, treated, and released or recruited (within reason).  Corpses are to be properly disposed of (buried or cremated) as soon as is practical. 

3)  Every colonist needs their own bedroom!  No bunking.  Exception made for married couples, who can stay together, and prisoners, because sometimes large raids happen.

4)  No mountain bases.  I just don't like them.


The "hippy commune" experiment continues, and I think I'll move the notes on that to the "Stories" section some time and not threadjack this. However, I wanted to say that this has changed my view slightly on drugs and in particular smokeleaf. I accepted a real Debbie-downer of a pawn - a jealous depressive pyro. In the commune we have a big bunk, nobody has their own room, so break risk for this pawn is real. Well, the mood boost of the smokeleaf comes in very handy whenever this pawn gets close. Just get 'em stoned. Sure, they move slower and stuff things up, but it's better than burning the place down to the ground, right? Joints are pretty easy to make too, so even if they become dependent it is not that big a deal. I'm not sure of the long term effects though - perhaps the lungs are getting damaged or something, I guess I'll find out as the game goes on.