[1.1-A17] Holy Washer! Get rid of that tainted effect in more immersive way!

Started by Bunkier, September 16, 2017, 10:02:56 AM

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I happen to have the same problem as jack. I've got more than 12 mods installed before this one and yet it doesn't seems to load. In the error logs I can see all of my other mods loading properly but this one doesn't appear. There is nothing in the furnitures, if it was it that category. Moreover there is no research that's linked to this mod either. So far I've tried to uninstall/reinstall it two times and it just won't load. I'm pretty sure the link leads to the B18 version, right ? So what could be the problem ?
Prisoners? Don't wanna keep them? Eat them! ALL of them.



From here  I think, on GitHub. I'm running a non-steam Rimworld.
Prisoners? Don't wanna keep them? Eat them! ALL of them.


It works perfectly fine for me, try removing some mods, also the washer is in Misc. tab. But it really shouldn't be mod conflict, i was playing with it with arround 300 mods and it worked.


Removing some mods while I play ? But what mods does enter in conflict with it ? I don't want to be deactivating mods one by one on a save that runs 12 mods...
Prisoners? Don't wanna keep them? Eat them! ALL of them.


You didn't listed the mods you use so i have no idea which may conflict with it


Oh yeah sure, sorry. In that savefile I talked about, I'm running:

-Growable Grass
-Change Dresser
-Signs and Memorials
- Wild Animal Sex
-Giddy Up!
-More Planning
-Children And Pregnancy
-Natural Surgery
-Simple Slavery
-Fences and Floors.

That's about it, but usually, doesn't a conflict gives you an error log ? Because I don't get any when I load the mod Holy Washer !, doesn't even appear in the error log :c
Prisoners? Don't wanna keep them? Eat them! ALL of them.



i saw someone suggested a cleanliness system in the first page. Was that ever considered or would it be too much?



That makes me happy. That its in the cards, not that you have no time :)



Updated mod to v1.4.1
Added polish translation
Added Fluffy's Mod Manager compatibility