[1.0] The Many Mods Of Mehni [Updated "daily!"]

Started by Mehni, September 26, 2017, 03:49:12 PM

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None. Got a log? Maybe a savefile? Steps to reproduce?


Quote from: Lupin III on February 27, 2019, 11:05:07 AM
PickUpAndHaul is causing my pawns to get stuck at "unloading inventory" (ontop of a stockpile; doesn't matter how full it is). They stay there until I draft them, after the game notified me that a pawn is starving or at a major break risk. Any idea why that would happen?

Having the same problem, using a certain mod combo - Share the Load, Giddy up and Pick up and Haul. Only in my case they always get stuck if they're riding an animal and do a hauling job. Most often it happens when a hauling job gets completed before they could reach it with materials (Share the load lets other pawns participate in material delivery to blueprint and so jobs can get completed before a pawn reaches it), so they can get stuck anywhere, not only over a stockpile. They get stuck in place until you draft them and usually it happens once i get a sudden major break message. Already reported it to Roolo. I am not sure on which end this issue is, so just in case i ll post it here, especially seeing someone has pretty similar issue. I don't get any errors in the log when it happens.

Do you use Giddy Up per chance? If so, that might be same exact issue i am getting.

Lupin III

No, not using "giddy up", but I do use"share the load". But the latter shouldn't do anything when dropping stuff into a stockpile.


Share The Load messes with stack\blueprint reservation mechanics, because otherwise multiple pawns won't be able to work\haul on the same thing. This reservation thing might just be what we're looking for, since we both have share the load+pick up and haul combo.


I'm running Share the Load, Giddy up and Pick up and Haul and I'm not running into your issue. Here's my mod load order of things that affect stacks/hauling + giddy: Stack XXL, Haul to Stack, While You're Up, Pick Up and Haul, Please Haul Perishables, Share the Load and then much later I have Giddy Core, Giddy Caravan and then
Giddy Ride and Roll.


Have you played a lot with your current modlist, @Lethe? It doesn't happen all that often, at times it feels completely random, so if your run wasn't long enough you could just not get it (mine is several game years long). Thanks for sharing your load order anyway, i ll try shifting my own modlist around, maybe that will help.

Lupin III

Of those mods mentioned I only used pickup&haul, share the load and please haul perishables. It only happened at a later stage of the game (but not that late; maybe two years in with 10 colonists). I am sure that it was the pickup&haul jobs they were getting stuck in though, because I changed the job text in the XML-files to include "PUAH" which promptly appeared when the colonists got stuck the next time.
I have since changed my mods alot.

First, not mentioned yet, I removed combat extended. I'd really like to use it, but it just caused too many incompatibilities with other mods, especially hauling ones. Anyone running CE?

I also removed please haul perishables, because it caused huge lag spikes (game froze for half a seconds all the time), completely independently of other mods (at that point I had pretty much no other mod that changes hauling or stacks activated anymore).

I'm not using share the load currently, but that is mostly because it is rare to build something that takes many stacks of materials and I'd rather go for the inefficieny there than have weird behaviour. But I don't claim that STL causes any, I just didn't want to do tests anymore when it takes at least a minute or two after a mod change to get back into the game to see if that change even did something.

Lupin III

Is anyone having the special traders of MFI appear with all prices being 0.01? I am also using Sladki's "Bargain Tweaks" https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=41965.msg454096#msg454096. That mod randomly changes the price of some (but not all) goods up or down a little bit. Are the traders of MFI incompatible with that?


Lupin III,
you should test it out self. I hope it isn't a permadeath colony (bad idea with mods anyway).
Just disable the Tweak mod, load the colony, spawn a trader with the dev comands (Incident).
Then do the same with disabled MFI and tweak enabled.

Lupin III

Quote from: Canute on March 20, 2019, 10:02:28 AM
I hope it isn't a permadeath colony (bad idea with mods anyway).
Hell no! I want to be able to cheat ;)

Quote from: Canute on March 20, 2019, 10:02:28 AM
Just disable the Tweak mod, load the colony, spawn a trader with the dev comands (Incident).
Then do the same with disabled MFI and tweak enabled.

I tried that. First without changing anything about the mods. Triggering the MFI trader worked, but when he should appear, I got this error message instead (apparently every tick; so console soon told me it stopped logging to avoid spam):
System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_PawnsArrive.CanFireNowSub (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_TraderCaravanArrival.CanFireNowSub (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.CanFireNow (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms, Boolean forced) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident fi) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.IncidentQueue.IncidentQueueTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

Restarted the game without changing mods again. The error message changed slightly (the save was after triggering the trader about 2 ingame hours before the trader would arrive):
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.NeutralGroupIncidentUtility.AnyBlockingHostileLord (Verse.Map map, RimWorld.Faction forFaction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_TraderCaravanArrival.CanFireNowSub (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.CanFireNow (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms, Boolean forced) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident fi) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.IncidentQueue.IncidentQueueTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

(the second line is different). So just saving, restarting and loading changed the error message.
I never saw that problem before, because I always rejected the MFI traders after I saw that their prices are bugged. So I don't know what causes this behaviour now. This happens with a mod setup I have run the game for the last week or so without seeing any other problems. It looks like to get rid of this error message I would need to edit the save game. Saving with the error message ticking, just makes it appear immediately on reloading the save.

For good measure I also disabled the Bargain Tweaks mod, but that doesn't change anything. The usual trade ships, trade caravans and visitors (slightly changed by hospitality mod) are completely fine. Only the "special" MFI traders trigger that message. So I can't even test now, because something else with triggering the traders is broken.


What version of MFI are you on? Doesn't look like the steam version, nor the the date-coded zip from https://github.com/Mehni/MoreFactionInteraction/releases/latest

Not saying that'll fix all your problems, but it could fix one or two of em :P

I checked out the other mod. There might be a conflict there, but I'm skeptical.



Thx again for MFI!
But there is not a problem but inconvenience - when looking at world map you don't know:
1. City names;
2. If there is quest in a city.

After a week I usually don't remember where and which quests I've got last weekend.

Is it possible to add City and "quest here" flag to world map?


When you click at the city, you can see if there is a quest or not.
But i agree, it would be nice to see on the worldmap if a city got a quest, or a quest log tab where you can see all the world map task what they need/give and a jumpto button.

Lupin III

Quote from: Mehni on March 20, 2019, 04:49:06 PM
What version of MFI are you on? Doesn't look like the steam version, nor the the date-coded zip from https://github.com/Mehni/MoreFactionInteraction/releases/latest
I'm pretty sure I used one of the "releases" and nothing else. I got the release 20190306 now and the error message is gone. Don't know why with the previous version I had it worked a few weeks ago, then started throwing the error.
The problem with items only being paid 0.01 is still there. I guess your mod is creating a new trader type and the bargain tweaks mod doesn't know about that and spits out a zero multiplier instead. I left a post in the mod's thread to maybe fix that on the other end.
