[1.3] Miscellaneous w MAI+Robots

Started by Haplo, May 16, 2014, 05:54:01 AM

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Do you have Misc. Core loaded before the turret mod?


The Blue Girl

Quote from: Heymom on December 28, 2018, 12:08:47 PM
Quote from: Haplo on December 28, 2018, 06:06:09 AM
Do you have Misc. Core loaded before the turret mod?
Yes i have.

Do you have the 'Achtung!' mod installed? it seems to create some errors, though it is not the only problem for me since it still didn't work after deactivating 'Achtung!'. Take a look at this log :

"Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'CommonMisc.Helper' from assembly 'WeaponBase'.
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.AddHumanlikeOrders_Patch5 (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.FloatMenuOption>) <0x092d7>
at RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.ChoicesAtFor (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.Pawn) <0x002d3>
at RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap.TryMakeFloatMenu (Verse.Pawn) <0x001e2>
at RimWorld.Selector.HandleMapClicks () <0x00287>
at RimWorld.Selector.SelectorOnGUI () <0x0001c>
at RimWorld.MapInterface.HandleLowPriorityInput () <0x0006d>
at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI () <0x002f9>
at Verse.Root.OnGUI () <0x00112>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

Edit : Downloading the mod from master as one of the previous messages said seems to fix the problem, thanks devent.

Here's the said link again : https://github.com/HaploX1/RimWorld-Miscellaneous_Mods/archive/master.zip


Sorry, I was a few days off.

I seem to have forgotten to update the manual download links.. Sorry :(
For now to all: Please download the mods from GitHub, as the manual links are absolutely out of date.. Most likely I'll remove the normal downloads and just let everything go over GitHub. It's much easier for me to not forget :)

Edit: I've changed the official download to GitHub ( and Steam ;) ).


I really love the urban biome mod of yours. Aside from settling there it makes exploring the planet more interesting when scavanging for loot. Unfortunately the urban biomes are really sparsely placed so it's often not profitable.
I would suggest making towns out of city center that'd be very denesly urbanised and full of loot, and suburbs that are normal biome now that'd be placed around the downtown.


I cannot open the floating UI for the automatic weapon base (which I can also build, not "only buy")
manual doesn't work too


For the Floating menu to show up you need to have a weapon inside your homezone available.


I surely do in homezone and stockpiled :/


I cannot click it even to force a repair etc


a good start would be to post a logfile.
If you use hugslib just use the Green share log button at the ingame log window.
That include the modlist too.

I just download,copied and activat the mods core and turretbase on a test colony and don't got any problems.
Sure the copy/install is a bit tricky since Haplo put all mod's into the Master branch, you need to watch what you copy over into the Mods folder.

When a pawn with Dumb labor trait want to install a weapon this error show up
Could not resolve symbol "1_label" for string "hauling {1_label}.".
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.Log:ErrorOnce(String, Int32, Boolean)
Verse.GrammarResolverSimple:Formatted(String, List`1, List`1)
Verse.GrammarResolverSimpleStringExtensions:Formatted(String, NamedArgument)
Verse.TranslatorFormattedStringExtensions:Translate(String, NamedArgument)
RimHUD.Data.Models.HudModel:GetWidget(PawnModel, String, String)
System.Linq.Enumerable:Iterate(IEnumerable`1, Single, Func`3)
RimHUD.Interface.HUD.HudLayout:Draw(Rect, PawnModel)
RimHUD.Interface.HUD.Hud:DrawDocked(Rect, PawnModel)
RimHUD.Interface.InspectPanePlus:DrawContent(Rect, PawnModel, Pawn)
RimHUD.Interface.InspectPanePlus:OnGUI(Rect, IInspectPane)
RimHUD.Patch.RimWorld_InspectPaneUtility_InspectPaneOnGUI:Prefix(Rect, IInspectPane)
RimWorld.InspectPaneUtility:InspectPaneOnGUI_Patch1(Rect, IInspectPane)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)


Is this mod compatible with Vegetable Garden? In all my months playing with these two mods, only now have I realized that for some reason, Kitchen Bots can't cook or brew recipes created by Vegetable Garden. Is it a problem on my end? Is there a patch somewhere? Thanks!


Other mods normally shouldn't cause work problems with Robots.
But shouldn't doesn't mean couldn't unfortunately :)
Maybe the recipes need some requirements that the robots are unable to fulfill? I don't know..

@Canute, Krolon: Thanks for the info. I'll take a look if my current variant still has this error. I've uploaded a updated version to steam, but it is not yet on GitHub, sorry.


Quote from: Haplo on January 16, 2019, 06:37:39 AM
Other mods normally shouldn't cause work problems with Robots.
But shouldn't doesn't mean couldn't unfortunately :)
Maybe the recipes need some requirements that the robots are unable to fulfill? I don't know..

@Canute, Krolon: Thanks for the info. I'll take a look if my current variant still has this error. I've uploaded a updated version to steam, but it is not yet on GitHub, sorry.
I'll do my part and see what's causing this. Will report back once I find something.

Thank you for your work and your reply, Haplo! Have a happy 2019.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that my colonists have no problem fulfilling the recipes and my ingredients are present. Stating this just for clarity.


Hmm, I've tested the kitchenbot with the VG Gourmet mod and the bot created 3x bread and 3x pizza without any problems..
Can you tell me, which recipes you tested, please?


Quote from: Haplo on January 16, 2019, 06:08:36 PM
Hmm, I've tested the kitchenbot with the VG Gourmet mod and the bot created 3x bread and 3x pizza without any problems..
Can you tell me, which recipes you tested, please?

Heya! Apologies for the late reply. Got busy with school. Anyways, I've tried everything, mostly 2x Steak and Grinding Flour. None of the bots moved at all. However, I got a reply from dismar. I may have botched my files when I attempted to update Vegetable Garden, specifically Garden Gourmet. I'll see if I can sort my problems, but at least we both know it's not because of VG or Misc Robots.

Thank you for your time!