Merlin the geriatric magic wizard...

Started by Limdood, October 19, 2017, 10:43:13 AM

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One of my colonists in my 1st year colony, Pigeon, apparently had a father (who knew!?).  That father was apparently in space, and named Merlin.

Merlin crashed in an escape pod....from space...and landed on my map.  I mean, with the whole of the rimworld to land on, it's pretty impressive he lands in the tiny map hex his son is in.

Unfortunately, Merlin is 77, has dementia, 2 cataracts, hearing loss in both ears, asthma in both lungs, and is frail.  He was only missing heart disease, cirrhosis, and a bad back to have the whole variety pack.

Well, i certainly didn't want merlin in my colony, but he was pigeon's father, so i rescued him, healed him, and he wandered (SOOOO SLOOOWWWLY) off the map.

Not one day later, an escape pod crashes...from space....on my map.  Guess who's in it?

Yup...somehow Merlin the magic wizard got himself not only back up into space in ONE DAY, but also managed to have some sort of catastrophe that necessitated him crashing in an escape pod again...guess he just used the coordinates from the last crash.

My wife (in real life, not rimworld) is convinced he's just showing up for the free healthcare...


Healthcare is pretty expensive these days. I wouldn't blame him lol


Just few more loops and he will join on his will. Then, put him in cryptosleep casket ASAP.
Eat lead, walking pile of silver! (greedy Player)
I...I can't do it. Leave it alive, please!(inner soul)
It lives 200 years to end up as a jacket?!(realists mind)
If I would go to vacation in off-Earth, even fictional place, I'd choose Nibel.