Bloody Pacifists

Started by Daimonin, October 23, 2017, 10:36:45 PM

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Tried a tribal colony, with 5x slower research, for kicks.

Random start location, and random colonists, didn't even look at them before the start. Fun right? So I ended up finding myself in an arid biome. That wouldn't be too bad... I hope. Lets take a look at my colonists. Well I got old man gramps who is 69, frail, bad back, huge scar on leg (21% pain) and is a brawler. Ooook.... The others are... two alright tribals, and two that are incapable of violence. Right. This is not going to end well is it?

First couple of days... And we have a problem. Between the pain and shitty movement speed, gramps is going crazy more often then not. Soon as I got some herbs going, I had the shaman cut his leg off. Stick on a pegleg. That'll help with the pain right? Well it does, but he's still having issues... lets set him to take smoke leaf anytime he's feeling bad.


Oh. So with the penalties smoke leaf gives, he falls unconscious anytime he imbibes. Eh I'm ok with that. As a bonus he has a few very short lived drug binges, as he smokes one stick, and falls unconscious every single time.

Sigh.... goddamn elders never good for anything are they? I consider euthanizing him but... I'm sorta RPing that he's the village chief, so he tells people what to do.

First couple raids are ok. two guys with bow, and the chief with a club (when he can make it to the fight in time, and isn't unconscious for one reason or another (smokeleaf).

I build a bunker to stick my defenders in, and keep them mostly safe. Few years in, I have even upgraded my soldiers to SMG's from looted raiders. Tried to recruit some but... They rarely survived. Did get a spacer that fell down. And her father, who was recruited JUST in time to see his daughter ripped apart by a raptor. He joins the chief in the "Permanently stoned" club. Though at least he can stay on his feet. They do get along quite well, something about both being old man who prefer a good round of fisticuffs over those newfangled bows and such. They also take turns breaking.

I've set up a small brewing lab, and got some hops for beer, all trying to get the bloody chief to remain reasonably happy and NOT stoned out of his mind. Incidentally, the two incapable of violence pawns got married in the last year. Yay. They move in together, and shortly after I have separate rooms for everybody.

Really running into a major problem though. Wood. It's taking forever to research stone making, and I've looted most structures on the map, I need so much wood, especially for my stove and coolers. It gets HOT in the summer. And spring. And fall. Actually winter is kinda warm too. There just isn't enough wood on the map, I plant a tree grove, but right after I do, a pack of Pachyderms decides to move in and eat it. ALL of it. Over. And Over. By the time they move on, I have nothing to burn in my stove. And the temperature is rising...

The jungle is just a short day and a half walk away. The chief decides screw this, lets go to a more hospitable area. So the whole tribe packs up what they can carry, and about 5 days worth of pemmican, and leave for the jungle mountains.

The trip is uneventful.

Oh the greenery, so much wood! And some nice ruins to set up as a quick storage spot. Build a bunker, plant some potaters... aaaand everyones starving well before the crops are ready. I my two hunters (only tribals capable of wielding ranged weapons) to kill some capybaras. Soon everyone will be fed and... Oh the capybaras didn't like being hunted. There go my hunters... 4 hours to live, and the whole pack is heading right for the fledgling colony. Which has two incapable of violence pawns, one old man with a mace, and... the chief. Who's unconscious. Again.

Everyone hides in the storage room, while the hunters bleed out and the capybaras eventually calm down. Which takes just long enough that one of the pacifist colonists goes into a berserk rage and beats the old spaceman to death.

By the time he calms down, the colony is the pacifist couple, and the chief. Who are all starving. The couple try to get enough food to feed themselves and the chief, but it's just not possible. The Chief starves.

So what now? I've got two tribals who can't fight, and way too much work to do. Oh well. They keep going. And then the raid comes. It's one pirate with a knife. The pacifists... cower in the corner, while the pirate wears himself out smashing walls. Eventually he leaves.

Alright, alright, I can do this. Just need to build up a foodpile, and capture any escape pods that come down. Easy! Im even getting back on my feat a little bit, still no soldiers, but at least the two colonists are not starving every day anymore. AN ESCAPE POD CAME DOWN! Quick capture her! ... ... Aaaand the survivor just got up and walked of the map.

Oh look another raid. One guy with a shiv. This time he manages to catch up to the male pacifist before he can hide, knocks him out without any resistance (despite this exact tribal having beat a man to death in a rage earlier), and promptly decides to leave with him. While the wife just stands there and looks scared. (Bloody pacifists).

The wife is alone. And then a heatwave strikes, and by the time she gets to trying to build a cooler, she falls over from heat exhaustion.

Hours later, she expires. Alone.

She deserved it. Bloody pacifists.


Rimworld isn't too consistent with pawn abilities once you get a mental break you gain new powers like the power to shoot fire from your hands to light stuff on fire. Or the power to punch stuff when you can't be violent.

In quite a few modded games with thoughts on holding weapons being -75 mood pacifist NPC's almost always are the first to start shooting/stabbing xD
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