[0.18.1704] Pawn wearing too many clothes

Started by Lobstercraft, October 25, 2017, 06:21:58 PM

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I attached the savegame in 2 parts in two next posts.
It could have something to do with the new queue function I used for undressing the unconscious pawns from the cryptosleep casket.
Edit: Ok it happened already before i stripped them. I've checked an older savegame. But the caskets were already opened in that savegame. Also no one in the ancient shrine attacked me. The bugs were just wandering. Don't remember this behaviour from previous versions.

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part 1

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part 2

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Thanks, it looks pretty bad. Were you able to reproduce the issue somehow? Did you save the game before opening the caskets? Such savefile could help.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues?


Sorry but sadly I have only one prior savegame. One before i deconstructed the caskets but after I opened them and after the bug happened. I don't think that savefile will help you more.

Edit: One more thing I remember is using the shock lance on the pawn named Sarai many time, load scumming a savfile I don't have anymore to get her without brain damage. Maybe it has't anything to do with that idk.



pawn starts wearing multiple layers of clothes.

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - Merged with existing thread for this bug.


Hey it looks like what I have reported. Maybe your savefile could help more than mine. Or you know how to reproduce it.

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - Merged with existing thread for this bug.


I am sorry for giving too little information.
I thought it was an easily reproducible problem this time too.
I did some testing and found the cause.
Changing the language and creating new pawns will cause problems.

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - Merged with existing thread for this bug.


Same issue reported in this thread: Moderator's edit (Calahan) - The thread that was linked here has now been merged with this one (see the three posts above this one)

Confirmed what East said there - Changing the language and creating new pawns will cause problems.

At the main menu I switched the language to Spanish. The debug log popped up with several errors. Loaded a recent save. On the world map, used the dev tool to create a caravan and observed that all the pawns had extra clothing. Switched back to English and started a new colony, the problem persisted in the new colony too. The problem only cleared up after closing and restarting the game.

Starting a new colony right after changing the language threw alot of red errors. Logfile attached.

Edit:The above was tested under 0.18.1704.

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Quote from: Rahjital on July 09, 2015, 03:09:55 PM
"I don't like that farmers chop people up."

Obviously she has already played Rimworld :P

Read the wiki. Edit the wiki. Let the wiki be your guide.


Thanks for the reproduction steps!

Fixed (for the next unstable build), thanks.