[A18.1704]Luciferium Resurrection exploit.

Started by ReZpawner, October 30, 2017, 06:15:16 AM

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I do slightly hate myself for telling you about this, as it's a great exploit, but here it goes.

When a pawn takes luciferium for the first time, they get not only the Luciferium buff, but also the debuff "Luciferium need" - the downside to the drug.
Should the pawn then die, and get resurrected, they will still have the Luciferium buff, but the luciferium need debuff, disappears.
( https://i.imgur.com/RZhkcjy.png )

This results in the pawn having all the upsides of Luciferium, but none of the downsides.

Given that the resurrection serum is stupidly rare to obtain, and the pawn has to be on luciferium for it to work, it's not the easiest exploit. May not even be worth removing. Just thought I'd point it out.


Quote from: Rahjital on July 09, 2015, 03:09:55 PM
"I don't like that farmers chop people up."

Obviously she has already played Rimworld :P

Read the wiki. Edit the wiki. Let the wiki be your guide.



Fixed (for the next unstable build), thanks!