Implementing XML heddiff into C# code

Started by CrazyMalk, November 02, 2017, 02:40:52 PM

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Hello, i'm a newbie to C#, and would like some help, please :P
I created a custom Heddiff using XML, and using C# i followed jecrell's tutorial.
But, instead of using Plague, like the tutorial used, i wanted to use my own heddiff. How can i implement it into the Visual Studio project?


What did you try so far and what seems not to work?


It gives me the following error:
Error CS0117 'HediffWithComps' does not contain a definition for 'HediffWithComps_Petrification'

I tried using IlSpy to look into "Plague" so that i could copy the code but change "plague" for my new Heddiff DefName, it did not work.
I tried looking into Jecrell "Sanity Loss" in C# and changing it's Def Names to mine, but it did not work.
I honestly don't know what i can do to make my project read my custom XML and would like to know how to do that :P

Thanks in advance.


Can you paste your xml here.
Basically the c# class is linked via the class in the xml definition.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

  <HediffDef Name="FantasyDiseaseBase" Abstract="True">
    <defaultLabelColor>(0.8, 0.8, 0.35)</defaultLabelColor>

<HediffDef ParentName="FantasyDiseaseBase">
      <li Class="HediffCompProperties_TendDuration">
      <li Class="HediffCompProperties_Immunizable">

Here it is. Any tips?