[0.18.1704] Character limit during colonist selection screen differs from map

Started by Mehni, November 03, 2017, 01:42:55 PM

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What the circumstances were.
While selecting the brave volunteers that are about to sacrifice their lives on the RimWorld, I decided to rename them after my previous best colonist: Vlad The Evil.

What happened.
I could give them a name that was 9 letters long on the selection screen. I could only give them their proper name after landing on the map.

What you expected to happen.
I was expecting the same ~15 character limit to apply on both the selection and the map screen.

Repro steps.
1. Give a character a long nickname in the selection screen. Notice how you're limited to 9 characters.
2. Rename them when landed, the character limit now goes up to 15 or so.