[1.0][B19] GlitterWorld Prime - Online Marketplace

Started by TwistedSoul, November 09, 2017, 06:53:05 AM

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Glitterworld Prime is an online trading platform, used for buying and selling goods with other Rimworld Colonies.

There are no connections to set up, no firewalls to configure, no need to run servers and no Dynamic DNS services are required.

It's all run from the GlitterWorld Prime hosted infrastructure.

Please report issues on the issue tracker for the version you are using listed below!

Alpha 17, Beta 18
No longer supported.

Beta 19 and 1.0
Issue Tracker: Here
Wiki Page: Here
Steam Workshop link: Subscribe

ZIP Files: Here

How you can support the mod and the programmer
If you can spare a £1/month towards running costs I would be really grateful.


You are free to inspect the mod but may not modify or redistribute without my express permission.
However! If you would like to contribute to GWP please feel free to drop me a message.
I do plan on making the source code (mod only) available via TheCodeCache.net but the server code (API) and database code will remain private for the foreseeable future.


Hi TwistedSoul,
please provide a non-steam download, i didn't found one at the gitlab.
Or remove/close this topic if you want just a steam only mod.


Hi Canute, Apologies, didn't realise that was a requirement.

I will be adding a ZIP this evening. Done, post updated.


Downloading it, will check in a minute and report if there's any issue with my installed mods.
Could You also include a picture or two of the mod? How does the GUI look et cetera :-)



This sounds amazing. I will assimilate it immediately. For the swarm!


Quote from: r3dm0nk on November 09, 2017, 04:00:50 PM
Downloading it, will check in a minute and report if there's any issue with my installed mods.
Could You also include a picture or two of the mod? How does the GUI look et cetera :-)

Hi r3dm0nk, Thanks for the interest!
My implementation is an exact clone of the normal in-game trade dialog, so there's not much to screenshot, I will add some though just to show people what it is.

Regards, TwistedSoul.


New release today, available on Steam and mod wiki.
Major change to include support for minified things.
Couple of bug fixes too.


This sounds pretty neat, I'll probably get it (once it updates to A18, because I've been playing that recently)


I'll update the mod to A18 once it becomes mainstream :)
I haven't even downloaded it yet let alone configured my development environment for it.


Holy F.... Cant wait to try this out. And people were saying RimWorld doesnt have any future for multiplayer


Hi all, Some people may have been getting errors whilst trying to trade in the last hour or so.
The errors were being caused by some strange item data that had come from some modded items.
I have a fix for this in place now but it took me some time to sanitise the data.
Apologies for the inconvenience.

On the plus side, Whilst this was happening I took the time to update the server code to the latest version.

The server now tracks statistics about each item daily,
For now it's just the quantities traded.
I'll be using the data from this to compute the prices of items in the future based on the demand of each item.

Also in just two days, more than 3.4 million Silver has swapped hands and there are over 122,946 items in stock right now.


Have you thought about passing this data to a website to view online? It'd be pretty interesting to see the market online and it'd probably be a decent way of advertising the mod itself.


Yep  :)

It's in the description, Features I plan to add include: Adding a website to track the market prices of all commodities.

Currently I am focusing on making sure the in-game side of things is stable, then improve the server side code to be more robust and then add all the nice things such as the website.

Overall I've spent about a 70+ hours coding so far to get where I am with the mod / infrastructure,

I do have a page currently under development on my private dev server that I was using to show some of these new stats for debugging purposes but it will probably end up being the frame of the final version.

But next on my list of things to do is the server-side market price calculations based on item demand.

That reminds me, I need to add my roadmap to the Wiki  ;D



This evening I deployed an API code break fix to remedy the "Cannot parse item, key not set." errors.

In a day or so I'll be updating the mod so that only the most current version can access the market.

The reasons for the errors are because there is still one or two games using an old version of the mod which doesn't upload enough data about the item to store it and so when an up to date client downloads the data, it can't be parsed properly.

As a result, I've had to remove about 300 of 1331 items from the database. In all very little has been lost as most of those items were "trash" items anyway.

I've modified the server to return an error to the client if the item is the incorrect version now and should prevent further broken items being stored in the database and prevent issues for clients who are up to date.