[Mod Request] Deadman's Apparel From Downed Pawns

Started by Epishade, November 12, 2017, 12:13:32 AM

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I think it's sort of a pain that whenever a raid occurs, afterwards you have to strip all of the downed raiders/tribals before they die so that their apparel doesn't become dead-man's apparel.  It's basically a loophole and isn't a very fun mechanic in the game imo.  In addition, usually the raiders carry better clothing than my colony, and my guys end up wearing raider clothes, which completely eliminates the need to create my own clothing.

Is there any sort of simple mod that could be created or exists already to designate apparel stripped from a downed pawn as deadman's apparel?  I'd like to make the game harder in this regard by removing the incentive to strip downed pawns so that I have to make or buy my own clothing if I want non-deadman's apparel.  As it is right now, the tailor bench serves little purpose when you can get by with just raider clothes the entire time.