[B18] Rimstation13 (v0.967) Bringing SS13 to Rimworld

Started by Bendigeidfran, November 13, 2017, 05:48:42 PM

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Hey and first of all thanks for the feedback! To address your concerns I would like to say I am actively working on the mod still, I'm aware of and have actually fixed the missing closers in the Defs, and I should say that back when I started working on the mod I held a poll among the people that were using it and the poll almost unanimously agreed that the mod should become a full overhaul with no thought given to compatibility. This mod is fully intended to eventually provide a fairly comprehensive single player SS13 experience and as such it was actually my intention to not allow the vanilla stuff regardless, as it does not fit with the SS13 theme. As far as balancing goes, I have given it next to no thought as most of these systems are being changed all the time as I continue to work on the mod and add new content. The next update can be expected within the next day, the content of which can be found under the "Currently Finished for next Update" section in the original post. Thanks again for the feedback and for trying out my mod, I'm sorry it can't be more compatible but this is the way it has to be to fit my end goal. I hope you'll come back and try it again with the new updates to come!


It's simply a bad idea to create a mod with so many incompatibilities. People tend to play RimWorld with many mods installed, and a lot of them will pass this up if it doesn't play nicely with them.


And they are entirely welcome to do so and I wish them all the best. I don't particularly care if people use it, I'm going to make it anyway. This is intended more for players of Spacestation 13 that also own Rimworld than your average Rimworld player, if you want a similar but much better mod I recommend MarsX: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=25926.0 It scratches most of the same itches but with far more features. Then again that also is incompatible with many mods, but hey.


Updated to B18, balanced many power/building costs, updated scenario, added circuit printing, circuits are now required for many constructions, print them using sulphuric acid and steel at the circuit imprinter. The scenario starts you with the basic circuitry you'll need to get started. Increased rate of space carp spawning, added weaponry to scenario.

Next update will add Craftable weaponry. Destructive analyser and initial researches as the beginnings of a progression system. Asteroid creatures.

Letter N

Hello there, SS13 /tg/ player, I see that you are using the tg coderbase, can you please upgrade the window textures, and also please add plasmaglass.
https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/30800 <-- Pr if you need the textures

edit: Please replace the "big autolathe" texture from the experimentor to the (new) protolathe texture
[font color = pink] HONK! [/font color]


Hello there, I'll be happy to update textures and add Plasma Glass in the upcoming update! If you play Rimworld on Steam I recommend subscribing to the mod there as it's far easier for me to keep track of suggestions and feedback! Just search Rimstation 13 in the Workshop. Also I've had a look and can't find these new sprites, could you extract them for me if you know where they are? I've downloaded the new source but can't track them down.


Updated to 0.965:
Added around 80 new plants.

Added around 140 new chemicals(Most are using a generic coloured sprite for now, please submit a screenshot of a chemical in SS13 in the relevant discussion telling me what chemical it is so I can make it the appropriate colour).

Added Reagent Grinder, all plants may be ground up into their constituent chemical components.

Added Bio Generator, refines Nutriment into Biomass for use in producing eventually a number of things, for now just Milk, Cloth and Leather.


Could you make a separate download that keeps the world default Rimworld? I like the SS13 pawn look, but the space world puts it off


The thing with that is there's a massive artistic difference between the two games and personally I think mixing them looks awful. You should be able to disable the world generation yourself by deleting the "SS13_Biomes.xml" file in the mod folder. It's in Defs>ThingDefs>AbstractDefs. Deleting it should set the world back to normal and there shouldn't be any errors.


Updated to 0.966
Updated with craftable weapons at Autolathe.

Buffed starting scenario with more crew & Steel.

Space Carp are now properly implemented and terrifying (if you continue an old save then existing carp will not be updated, only newly spawned ones).

Tweaked some values on the temperature generation, the scrubbers and such seemed a bit overpowered.

Fixed bug causing crew to prefer raw meat and eggs to meals. Balanced nutrition values.

Added ability to smelt ten ore at a time at the Ore Redemption Machine, you gain a few bonus steel sheets this way versus one at a time.

Added EVA Suits and updated starting scenario.

Fixed bug causing turrets not to fire.

Misc bug fixes and tweaked balance.

I could really use some feedback on how the mod is balanced currently, I've set up a Discord for the mod as well as generally discussing Rimworld & SS13, pop in and share your thoughts! https://discord.gg/3AmyPRp

Letter N

Quote from: Bendigeidfran on November 25, 2017, 09:33:45 AM
Hello there, I'll be happy to update textures and add Plasma Glass in the upcoming update! If you play Rimworld on Steam I recommend subscribing to the mod there as it's far easier for me to keep track of suggestions and feedback! Just search Rimstation 13 in the Workshop. Also I've had a look and can't find these new sprites, could you extract them for me if you know where they are? I've downloaded the new source but can't track them down.

https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/blob/master/icons/obj/smooth_structures/rplasma_window.dmi  <-- Extract that
[font color = pink] HONK! [/font color]


Ok, thanks. I've never seen them before, should they have any particular properties or should they just be purple windows?


I have now pushed the Lavaland update! The most notable features include: Lavaland as a new Biome plus Goliaths. The NanoTrasen Cargo Shuttle as a reliable way to gain resources and crew, the shuttle will appear roughly every 3 days using the new Captain Ian Storyteller! A custom Storyteller with a focus on large crew counts. The scenario now utilises a custom world condition enforcing the coldness of space consistently rather than the hacky old way of overlapping cold snaps. To compensate temperature buildings have had a large buff. PLEASE notify me of any issues as a patch this far-reaching is bound to have bugs/unintended behaviour. Enjoy!

Note: This update changes many things and has a very good chance of breaking saves. Maybe finish up old saves before trying out the new version.


Hello. I am not russian, I was kidding with russia>uk and I thought you were joking too until you insulted me,afterwards I wanted to explain that this was all a joke but I couldn't because you banned me, I ask you to please unban me from your discord,please.