Stop ruins made from mod metals

Started by AlmostLuckyDucky, November 18, 2017, 11:50:31 AM

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i asked this question some time ago but couldnt get a helpful answer that would allow me to do what i am trying to do.   i made a what started as a small mod for my own game which had quite a few new ores in it but the ruins keep spawning out of them.. i know somewhere there is something that tells the world gen what not to make them out of (jade/gold/etc) but i cannot seem to copy this to add into the mod file to stop this from happening as it is just OP.

help please :)


From what I understand, the deciding factors are coded into BaseGenUtility.

BaseGenUtility decides if thingdef falls under the "IsCheapWallStuff" Requirements. The deciding factors for this is.

Is it a stuff?
Can it be made into a wall?
And is it's BaseMarketValue per unit below 5f?

If you require more help, PM me and I'll get back to you.


So basically, I don't understand how you're getting a minable ore spawn as a wall? Have you made a minable ore a stuff and can be made as a wall?


It started when i added Copper & Tin deposits that when mined drop copper & tin ingot.. they spawn correctly and drops ingots correctly so all seems fine that end... however there are some ruins spawning that are made of copper or tin that drop ingots when deconstructed. i also added some alloys like bronze & brass but was getting some ruins made of those too.. i say was as i haven't used the mod in a couple of weeks but used it yesterday and was getting the same thing but there was an update today and now the mod needs to be updated anyway.. as it was roughly put together and may take a while to pick through it i thought i would just start it from scratch but i dont want to run into that problem again. i was just hoping there was a file that stated what materials ruins were made out of or what they were not allowed to spawn made of that i could edit or patch


If you want to update the xml side of it. Message me a download link and I'll create a custom class to stop it happening. It's just because of how it determine what can be used.


i would like to kmow how to create this custom class so next time this happens i know what to do :)


Alright, have you visual studio and know how to code in c# ?


no.. so forget that then.. thanks anyway
