[B18] Plucker's MODLIST - APC and Tank deaths now spawn units (19/06/18)

Started by Chicken Plucker, November 20, 2017, 04:33:09 PM

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Which faction in the modlist is your favourite?

Umbra Company!
17 (13.3%)
War Mongrels!
22 (17.2%)
Elite Crew!
7 (5.5%)
Task Force: 141!
9 (7%)
Task Force: STALKER!
17 (13.3%)
I know its not in the options, but kittens and puppies.
45 (35.2%)
British Armed Forces!
11 (8.6%)

Total Members Voted: 128

Chicken Plucker

How to download: Click the Chicken pictures.

Old A17 stuff - https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=35003
The mod folder names have been changed upon download, future updates will require you to delete old existing mod folders to avoid confusion!

the "B18" tag at the start of folder names have been removed for better navigation options

Latest updates: 19/06/2018

British Armed Forces, Umbra Company, War Mongrels

- Tanks do not explode and disappear upon death anymore, when they are killed, they drop units that run away.
(50/50 chance of units coming out of vehicles are downed, 33% chance not coming out at all)


Special thanks to: Albion
Mod thread:

[B18] The British Military kit - Steam link with previews

[B18] The U.S. Military kit - Steam link with previews

[B18] The DOOM kit - Steam link with previews

[B18] British Armed Forces - Factions - Steam link with previews

[B18] Elite Crew - Faction - Steam link with previews

[B18] Umbra Company - Faction - Steam link with previews

[B18] War Mongrels - Faction - Steam link with previews

[B18] Task Force: 141 - Faction - Steam link with previews

[B18] Task Force: STALKER - Faction - Steam link with previews

[B18] Military Furniture - Steam link with previews

[B18] Rimmu-Nation - Weapons - Steam link with previews

[B18] Rimmu-Nation - Clothing - Steam link with previews

[B18] Rimmu-Nation - Camping Stuff - Steam link with previews

[B18] T-45b Power Armor by JangoD'soul - Steam link with previews

[B18] UAC Furnitures - Steam link with previews

[B18] Retro Joy - Steam link with previews

[B18] Portable Power Generator - Steam link with previews

[B18] Detailed Body Textures - Steam link with previews

[B18] Prisoner Outfit - Steam link with previews

Maybe I will make proper threads later, it is difficult for me to spend as much time as I used to with my mods so sry boiiiyees

Chicken Plucker


The mod folder names have been changed upon download, future updates will require you to delete old existing mod folders to avoid confusion!

the "B18" tag at the start of folder names have been removed for better navigation options

Latest updates: 11/06/2018

British Military Kit + British Armed Forces
- All SAS Counter Terrorist outfit sets (vests and helmets along with coveralls) are now 100% fireproof.
NOTE: This will stop CTs from being set on fire, even though coveralls were fireproof, other clothing parts would light up.

Military Furniture
- New HESCO Barrier
- Vending Machine texture fixed. Nanomachines, son.

Latest updates: 03/06/2018

Rimmu-Nation Weapons + ALL Faction mods

- All faction mods + Rimmu-Nation weapons have been updated so that certain benches will not appear until fully
researching certain weapon tiers.
- E.G. Gas Operation for demolition bench, Precision Rifling for Marksman and Rifleman bench

Latest updates: 03/06/2018
Hey this is kinda awkward, remember how pumped up I was and I said everything was updated?
Well actually, everything was not uploaded to Google Drive yet, so you guys who came here early kinda have to re-download stuff.  sorry :o

Note: You'll know it's updated if it has a new (CP) tag or (RH) tag on it's folder, if it doesn't have those new tags, it is outdated.

- Tacticool fridge can now store all types of drugs and medicine

It's good to be back. Please delete your old mod folders if you are updating.

- Fixed every mod, as advised by Erdelf, I had an issue with everyone of my mods that could have potentially
caused mod conflicts with other mods in the future. They have all been patched.
- All Clothing mods and faction mods, fixes with compatability
- Rimmu-Nation camping stuff and US Military Kit, there is now a bulk recipe for crafting medicine such as IFAK
- IFAKs and Medic bags no longer need wood. That was a silly ingredient.
- Camo sleeping bags are now in the military designation category, similar to stuff in the Military Furniture
- Fixed multiple descriptions
- Fixed and deleted redundant .xml files that caused conflicts
- Mod folders renamed for ease of navigation to those who have to install hundreds of mods manually

If you are using a mod that sorts out modlists, due to me renaming faction mod names, they may be disabled due
to the game thinking it's a brand new mod.

E.G. (CP) Faction - Task Force 141 (B18) is now (RH) Faction - Task Force 141 (B18) all you have to do is enable it again, even if your mod list fixer tells you that it's not the same mod in your save, just enable it and your save will be working just as before.

Latest updates: 23/04/2018
British Armed Forces
- Royal Marines leader fix.. Again  8)

Latest updates: 22/04/2018
Military Furniture

- New tacticool radio and tacticool refrigerator.
- Tacticool radio has a selection of over 10 instrumentals, most songs are from MGS: V casettes, some are vietnam war era songs, one of which is the cheeki breeki Bandit radio music and more!
- Portable chemfuel generator can now be built on marshy soil
- Special thanks to Jecrell for the C# coding!


Latest updates: 13/04/2018

Rimmu-Nation Weapons
British Armed Forces

- TAR-21 weird angle offset fixed
Latest updates: 13/04/2018

Rimmu-Nation - Weapons

- 3 new spacer weapons, based off "Resistance Retribution" weapons. Auger WS, BM001 Razor, Longshot 1S-1K
- SAM turret, 60mm mortar


The DOOM Kit

- Minor chainsaw related error fixed


Military Furniture

- Missing Maxi Bucket meal recipe is added back on Maxi Buns machine.
Note: I apologize for this "game breaking" error, but after much hard work and years of research and development, the maxi bucket can be bought from the Maxi Buns machine now. My condolences to those who have not tasted such a delicious fried chicken meal because of me overlooking such a thing..

Latest updates: 11/04/2018
British Armed Forces
- "Unavailable" faction leader of Royal Marines Commando is now fixed, you can now talk to them on console.
(Note: Only works on new saves, not old-already generated Royal Marines. Apologies for the issue.)

Latest updates: 09/04/2018

Military Furniture
- IV support and Instrument table added for cot beds and stretcher for medical bed conversion. Requires "Drug Production" research
(hard to make it compatible for vanilla beds without possibly causing mod conflict with others, so its only for military furniture)
- Stretcher spot renamed to "emergency stretcher"
- Double military cot bed description fixes

Rimmu-Nation - Weapons
- Added M4A1 (milspec) and M27 IAR for future US Armed Forces faction equipment

Latest updates: 08/04/2018
British Armed Forces
Rimmu-Nation - Weapons

- MP9 balancing (you don't understand, it was so OP that I had to patch two mods just for this one weapon)

Military Furniture
- Stretcher instant build issue fixed
- Grammar fixes for descriptions with the food
- PC research bench description now specifies that it can only do up to tier 2 research
Latest updates: 07/04/2018

War Mongrels
Rimmu-Nation - Weapons
-Kebab Remover airstrike is now craftable (if you have both rimmu-nation and war mongrels, you will need to update both)

Latest updates: 07/04/2018

- British Armed Forces added

- Military Furniture added

Rimmu-Nation - Weapons
- CT Update

British Military Kit
- Fixed locuzade and liptun descriptions and hediff labels
- Instead of "high" it will say "energized by locuzade" or "refreshed by liptun"
- British Armed Forces compatibility fixes

War Mongrels
- New rare raid event, "Hound Units" only spawn in this raid.
- New preview
- Rushbinov vodka is now a combat enhancing drug, pawns will drink them before raiding

Task Force 141
Task Force: STALKER
- New memento accessories added for pawns
- Inventory style changed, these friendly pawns will always have a set of MRE and medical gear with them, plus bonus memento accessories depending on pawn
- Modified faction base spawns to be slightly lower, for performance reasons

Umbra Company
- New rare raid event, spawns only "Spec Op" units
- Modified Spec Op weapon spawns to more likely spawn with rifles
- New memento accessories

Elite Crew
- Recruit difficulty now dropped to 25% minimum, less likely to produce 99% difficulty recruiting terrorists

Latest updates: 30/03/2018
War Mongrels
- Disabled siege attack type event[/color]

Latest updates: 28/03/2018

British Military Kit
US Military Kit
- Changed 3x1 workbenches into brand spanking new 2x1 workbenches with updated stats.

Task Force 141 - Faction
- New 2x1 workbench compatibility for British Military Kit

War Mongrels - Faction
- Vodka bench backwards texture fixed

Elite Crew - Faction
- Added more details about the faction in their in-game faction description
- Nerfed the 90% difficulty for prisoner recruitment to 80%, for better recruitment chances

UAC Furnitures
- Hydroponics size fixed to 2x4, so it doesnt look stretched
- Hydroponics power consumption increased to 3000W to compensate for its growing speed
- UAC Lamp no longer needs multi-analyzer research


Latest updates: 28/03/2018
British Military Kit
- New update bugs fixed, UKSF using the same texture for helmet, RMC beret being replaced

Latest updates: 28/03/2018
British Military Kit
- New textures
- Luxury food added

War Mongrels
- Texture outlines for vehicles thinned
- Changed unit spawn types to make "Hounds" and VAB APC more common

Rimmu-Nation Camping Stuff
Task Force 141
War Mongrels

- Medic bag (civilian) name changed to "Medic bag" only.


Just updated the British Military Kit, removed gasmask stats for helmets that do not have a gasmask, also updated the thumbnail to look better.

Chicken Plucker

Chicken Plucker

The US Military stuff is coming soon (after I finish the textures, then I do coding so maybe not so soon), need votes on the poll BOIIIYEEEEE

Note: Cannot update the USMC mod until then, to anyone waiting sorry for the delay


Looks interesting, as for the naming, I have to admit I voted for the one that made me laugh  ;D
But in reality the better name is probably U.S. Military kit, as that fits with the already named British Military kit, anyway just my thoughts on it.


I wanna see a EOD suit. like the juggernaut suit from COD(not really a COD fan but the suit was epic.  no rush though.  (post made 4am local)


While Choice Nr. 5 is true, I think it should be the second choice.

The Kit Should not give them more credit or fame than they deserve.

==== EDIT ====

Welcome Back, Chicken.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker

Chicken Plucker

Hello I will just do a filler update, the new OCP camo is going to show up and it will be the only camo I will have available for Ranger combat gear because I am super lazy to make the UCP for the Rangers, if anybody objects to that please let me know or forever hold your peace.


Edit: Yeah I just remembered to mention this, to anybody who notices that the flag patch on the arm is supposed to be opposite, I realized that but I also realized I have to then change every arm I have messed up, so this stays this way and I hope it bothers nobody

Quote from: MadsMartinMadsen on November 24, 2017, 03:35:29 AM
Looks interesting, as for the naming, I have to admit I voted for the one that made me laugh  ;D
But in reality the better name is probably U.S. Military kit, as that fits with the already named British Military kit, anyway just my thoughts on it.
Understood, I did wanna make it special but I guess it will be confusing for people looking for the actual country

Quote from: HAMMERFALL314 on November 24, 2017, 04:54:09 AM
I wanna see a EOD suit. like the juggernaut suit from COD(not really a COD fan but the suit was epic.  no rush though.  (post made 4am local)

I do love that suit too, it will be extra time but sure, I will go ahead and do one

Quote from: SpaceDorf on November 24, 2017, 05:20:56 AM
While Choice Nr. 5 is true, I think it should be the second choice.

The Kit Should not give them more credit or fame than they deserve.

==== EDIT ====

Welcome Back, Chicken.
I did wanna give it more credit because the USMC mod was popular for people who claimed to be servicemen, but you are super duper right Dorf

Also thank you for the welcome back, you r da baes, I am more motivated because you showed up with donuts


I call myself Sheriff now. It's a Service badge .. if you look closely you can see the Rimworld-Sheriff Star behind the Mug  ;D

If you did wan't to endorse your fans from the different branches of the military I can understand that.
My comment was more on the global scale, that the U.S. should not get more credit than any other army  ;)

===== EDIT =====

So when will I be able to download your mods ?
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: SpaceDorf on November 26, 2017, 09:41:30 AM
I call myself Sheriff now. It's a Service badge .. if you look closely you can see the Rimworld-Sheriff Star behind the Mug  ;D

If you did wan't to endorse your fans from the different branches of the military I can understand that.
My comment was more on the global scale, that the U.S. should not get more credit than any other army  ;)

===== EDIT =====

So when will I be able to download your mods ?

I have changed the front page, the chickens are the download links and I should have explained better sry  :'(

Chicken Plucker

Progress report on the US Military mod, the Army gear is finished, now I am working on the Navy and I will finish up with the coding. Hope to upload everything soon!

"What the heck did you just hecking say about me, you little muffalo?  I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on ancient danger sites, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire colony.."


Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Men, If People Don't Want This, Do As A Secondary Mod (with custom weapons plz :P)
Your Job Is Amazing!!!


Modder of the Year - Chicken Plucker

*Sings The Star-Spangled Banner horrible off-tune*


Chicken Plucker

Hello folks, I've delayed work on coding today since I just remembered HAMMERFALL recommended the EOD/Juggernaut suit, also I redone some of the old headgears for marines, if anyone has opinions please feel free to voice them

Also thanks for the support, all this drawing of heavy suits that protect from shrapnel makes me feel as though I am an American. I have a few people getting mad at steam workshop because a million of my mods are not being updated while I sit at home oversleeping and eating chicken and procrastinating with just about every important thing in my life, including updating these mods, like every proud citizen of the United States of Texas

Edit: Just a note if anybody cares, after US Military mod comes out with the weapons mod I have ready thanks to Roskii Falkirk, I will work on small mods like the prison outfit and work on the factions.

Umbra Company will recieve an updated armor, possibly a new uniform and get to other things.