[B18] Plucker's MODLIST - APC and Tank deaths now spawn units (19/06/18)

Started by Chicken Plucker, November 20, 2017, 04:33:09 PM

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Which faction in the modlist is your favourite?

Umbra Company!
17 (13.3%)
War Mongrels!
22 (17.2%)
Elite Crew!
7 (5.5%)
Task Force: 141!
9 (7%)
Task Force: STALKER!
17 (13.3%)
I know its not in the options, but kittens and puppies.
45 (35.2%)
British Armed Forces!
11 (8.6%)

Total Members Voted: 128

Chicken Plucker

Been away, Mr. Brrainz the amazing Zombieland author asked for a tanky zombie person using the fat body, and I happen to be doing War Mongrels and their Russian/Serbian themed gear anyway, so I handed him over some textures.

Expect a zombie boi with this look sometime in the zombieland mod!

Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 08, 2018, 01:45:52 PM
Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 08, 2018, 12:26:44 PM
Upcoming faction mod features

- Rank system for soldiers

Could you elaborate on this?


Hello Harry, sorry I have been away and on the day you wrote this, I meant to reply but I didn't.
Why? It will be forever a mystery. (Just kidding, I am a procrastinator, that's why.)

It is simple, the same way Umbra Company has ranks or pirates have labels e.g. "Drifter of the x pirate band" or "Mercenary Sniper of the x pirate band" or "Chief of the x tribe"

With that, I can assign different gear depending on the pawn type, which is pretty much what the ranks are. It was a lot more simple than you thought, I wish I could add symbols so I could get them wrong and military people will criticize me for messing everything up, but I can't cause it will further complicate things

Quote from: Ruisuki on February 17, 2018, 04:52:17 PM
talented artist

Thank you  :'(


Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 12:02:31 PM
Expect a zombie boi with this look sometime in the zombieland mod!
That is a fantastic looking textures, and I think one of my favorites so far.

Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 12:02:31 PM
With that, I can assign different gear depending on the pawn type, which is pretty much what the ranks are. It was a lot more simple than you thought, I wish I could add symbols so I could get them wrong and military people will criticize me for messing everything up, but I can't cause it will further complicate things
This sounds really interesting. So will this be for just the AI factions?

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 19, 2018, 01:33:38 PM
Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 12:02:31 PM
Expect a zombie boi with this look sometime in the zombieland mod!
That is a fantastic looking textures, and I think one of my favorites so far.

Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 12:02:31 PM
With that, I can assign different gear depending on the pawn type, which is pretty much what the ranks are. It was a lot more simple than you thought, I wish I could add symbols so I could get them wrong and military people will criticize me for messing everything up, but I can't cause it will further complicate things
This sounds really interesting. So will this be for just the AI factions?

Yes, if there ever comes an option in the main game to have rankings, leadership or the option to be associated with a faction, I'll happily do mod stuff for it, but sadly I don't think we're getting that kind of thing for 1.0 (or any future update, rip, tynan pls y u think game is finished it is not)



Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 07:56:52 PM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 19, 2018, 01:33:38 PM
Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 12:02:31 PM
Expect a zombie boi with this look sometime in the zombieland mod!
That is a fantastic looking textures, and I think one of my favorites so far.

Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 19, 2018, 12:02:31 PM
With that, I can assign different gear depending on the pawn type, which is pretty much what the ranks are. It was a lot more simple than you thought, I wish I could add symbols so I could get them wrong and military people will criticize me for messing everything up, but I can't cause it will further complicate things
This sounds really interesting. So will this be for just the AI factions?

Yes, if there ever comes an option in the main game to have rankings, leadership or the option to be associated with a faction, I'll happily do mod stuff for it, but sadly I don't think we're getting that kind of thing for 1.0 (or any future update, rip, tynan pls y u think game is finished it is not)
Maybe he's saving these QOL features for dlc lol


Are those considered QOL additions? I think of them more as just new systems and content.

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: SimplySublime on February 20, 2018, 06:57:57 PM
Any way we could get a non steam download link please?

Already there uploaded in google drive, as written in the front page:

How to download: Click the Chicken pictures.

Quote from: Ruisuki on February 20, 2018, 07:15:56 PM
Maybe he's saving these QOL features for dlc lol

Only DLC the game ever had were name in game and etc. Now they're taken away because the game is being finalized. One of the things I like about Rimworld, I believe Tynan said something about not cutting out content for DLC a long time ago, but I'm not sure if he ever did say that.


Getting this error in the load up. With Umbra Mod.

Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Things/Projectile/Proj_AT4Rocket in any active mod or in base resources.
Verse.ContentFinder`1:Get(String, Boolean)
Verse.GraphicDatabase:Get(Type, String, Shader, Vector2, Color, Color, GraphicData)

I am guessing some dependency left over from rimmunation? I thought Umbra was supposed to be standalone. If not the case then my bad i am sorry to bother you.


Pluckers i like very much of your textures and mods! I wish to see the (if you team can) the nazi clothes (i am not nazi) and the armors of Starcraft 2... I know that i am asking to much, but you team have a lot of talent! Good work


Um I ask the medicine tab mod so im gonna ask you aswell but it seems like when ever i place your mod it ends up kinda overlapping the UI not jsut from this mod but also the normal medicine tab


Chicken Plucker


Quote from: Drglord on March 09, 2018, 05:27:57 PM
Getting this error in the load up. With Umbra Mod.

Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Things/Projectile/Proj_AT4Rocket in any active mod or in base resources.
Verse.ContentFinder`1:Get(String, Boolean)
Verse.GraphicDatabase:Get(Type, String, Shader, Vector2, Color, Color, GraphicData)

I am guessing some dependency left over from rimmunation? I thought Umbra was supposed to be standalone. If not the case then my bad i am sorry to bother you.

Thanks for letting me know, its now patched

Quote from: Heni on March 11, 2018, 06:15:31 PM
Pluckers i like very much of your textures and mods! I wish to see the (if you team can) the nazi clothes (i am not nazi) and the armors of Starcraft 2... I know that i am asking to much, but you team have a lot of talent! Good work

Its in the backlog of ideas, thanks!

Quote from: KiotheCloud on March 14, 2018, 11:41:38 AM
Um I ask the medicine tab mod so im gonna ask you aswell but it seems like when ever i place your mod it ends up kinda overlapping the UI not jsut from this mod but also the normal medicine tab

Hey that's pretty cool, I don't know why my medicine is in that mod list since my only intention was to add extra medicine, but this thing is beyond my grasp, if you expect me to patch it and get it off that mod's UI, then sorry, I wouldn't know how to!

For vanilla, it doesnt overlap with the UI, both IFAK and medic bags does not appear in the medicine tab, instead they are listed under their normal medicine counterparts (glitter for medic bag, medicine for IFAK)

Chicken Plucker

New faction added:

Mod description:
The Ghosts, officially known as Task Force: STALKER.
They are composed of the remnants of the U.S. Special Operations Forces around the year of 2027, in an alternate Earth torn apart by war.

Current bugs I have to bloody fix right this instant:
Faction is not supposed to be hostile at start, brb

Multiple bugs are now fixed, if you downloaded this mod during the beginning hour, please update!


Nah its fine thx for the quick reply its not really that game breaking its just quite annoying cause of the set default blocking the meds but its fine either way i can just precisely click the med for it to actually set to it.

I like your mods so this small visual bug is nothing compared to the fun I am having with this mod cheers m8 thx again

Chicken Plucker

New faction added:

Test Footage and video preview of mod:

Mod description:
The Elite Crew, sometimes referred to as the "1337 Krew" or "Leet Krew",
is a Terrorist faction, Middle-Eastern fundamentalists based on world domination and other evil deeds.


Hi CP, I tried to download your umbra company mod and realized that although the name of the file is "umbra company", it actually contains task force stalker mod