[B18] Plucker's MODLIST - APC and Tank deaths now spawn units (19/06/18)

Started by Chicken Plucker, November 20, 2017, 04:33:09 PM

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Which faction in the modlist is your favourite?

Umbra Company!
17 (13.3%)
War Mongrels!
22 (17.2%)
Elite Crew!
7 (5.5%)
Task Force: 141!
9 (7%)
Task Force: STALKER!
17 (13.3%)
I know its not in the options, but kittens and puppies.
45 (35.2%)
British Armed Forces!
11 (8.6%)

Total Members Voted: 128

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 10, 2018, 02:49:57 PM
You ate too much chicken last week anyway and this week you should invest some time into fish&chips or this kind. :-))

Ok, i am not a modder and beside some XML editing i didn't do any. But from my forum readings i though there is a tag to prevent other faction to use that stuff.
And force the tribals to use parka's.
The FurCoat from FashionRIMsta doing the other way, and tribal love to use these instead of parka's.

I checked FashionRIMsta just now because I thought you just gave me the secret to patching this issue, but it seems FashionRIMsta has nothing fancy in C# to stop tribals from using parkas I make.

The fur coat and desert coat are only used by tribals because they are tagged to be used by tribals. Spoon seemed to have forced them with it the "<generateCommonality>1</generateCommonality>" line, but other than that, nothing too fancy, but its a simple yet brilliant solution

I'll think about it, maybe I'll have to make a custom tribal parka for ALL my mods and patch it in just so they dont dress in camo

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 10, 2018, 04:12:11 PM
Or just patch the parka to add these line.

NPCs that arent tribals would then most likely spawn with the vanilla parka (probably even when its not winter), and that would annoy people using other outfit mods. The commonality would be 100%

I can see power armor using factions being forced to use Parka, if they were tagged to use other vanilla outfits

Chicken Plucker

minor update for the British Armed Forces, I really should be getting back to my uni work, I'll be back with a vengeance and maybe more mods and updates!

Chicken Plucker

Updated military furniture, I messed up badly, I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry guys


Quote from: Chicken Plucker on April 13, 2018, 05:36:22 AM

Updated military furniture, I messed up badly, I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry guys
So you are willing to let us eat your brethren?
I'll shoot your colonists...After a long nap.

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 13, 2018, 09:17:27 AM
So you are willing to let us eat your brethren?

I am often mistaken to be a chicken, but I am actually a chicken ninja master that has learned how to feed about 30 chickens for about $1.25 a day, thanks to Justin Rhodes

New updates:

Rimmu-Nation - Weapons

- 3 new spacer weapons, based off "Resistance Retribution" weapons. Auger WS, BM001 Razor, Longshot 1S-1K
- SAM turret, 60mm mortar


The DOOM Kit

- Minor chainsaw related error fixed


Didn't you want learn ?
Should we call your landlord so he will cut your phone and internet ? :-))
No posting, no update until we hear from you, that you are finished !

Ofcouse you still can continue and work as freeworker artist/modder with a lowbudget income at the future.

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 13, 2018, 02:50:50 PM
Didn't you want learn ?
Should we call your landlord so he will cut your phone and internet ? :-))
No posting, no update until we hear from you, that you are finished !

Ofcouse you still can continue and work as freeworker artist/modder with a lowbudget income at the future.

You caught me red handed, I haven't been doing progress on my uni project, and I instead have been doing some modding because it's more fun and a lot less boring than the forced project brief you have to carefully follow.

Anyway, one more minor fix and I will be quiet now.. (unless I have another thing to fix rip)


Are your faction/furniture/etc mods going to be exclusive to the forums or will you eventually upload them to the workshop?

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: kis12134 on April 15, 2018, 11:01:34 AM
Are your faction/furniture/etc mods going to be exclusive to the forums or will you eventually upload them to the workshop?

Workshop when all features intended to be implemented are there, such as faction fighting vehicles carrying pawns, mission board and reinfrocement radio/phone for the military furniture mod, and of course, animated backstory trailers for some of the factions.


Not to forget a study table and relax chair for the Chief programmer of the tactical cyber warfare ! :-)

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 16, 2018, 03:37:40 AM
Not to forget a study table and relax chair for the Chief programmer of the tactical cyber warfare ! :-)

Wanna know what's better than studying?



Hi CP,
no don't answer until you are finished !

I just got an droppod attack on my base, and the pod's put out some of these vehicles.
I don't think these should fit into a droppod attack.

And i got a visit from some other faction, the first one i got strong respect. They are that dangerous like the Commando's from Glittertech.
The ones with the Hound unit power armor and Gauss/Rail(?) Rifle.
Special the weapon are deadly, and their power armor made it hard to kill them.

Another point:
Could you please rename your weapon's a bit more unique ?
Currently i got 3 different Railgun at my setup (Misc. Core, SparklingWorlds, and yours).
Sure after a while you can identify the different weapon on their textures.
But a Railgun is just a weapon type like sniper or assault rifle, and these you named like their RL counterpart too. :-)


Have you thought about adding some weapon racks and ammo crates as storage? The ones most mods have don't really have a military look to them, which is a real shame.