[B18] Sapper raiders gave up and ran into my base rather than to the exit

Started by YokoZar, November 22, 2017, 07:49:18 PM

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I had 3 raiders spawn early game, with no brought food.  One was a sapper incapable of mining (a different bug, already reported).  The sapper started digging at the mountain for a long enough time that they got hungry and the "give up" text was triggered.

These raiders were right near the south map edge they came in on.  The sapper eventually turned around and left there, but the other two decided to path to the north map edge.

My base is a mountain base with a wall blocking off the north edge.  The "gave up" raiders ended up walking right to my colony front door and then just "standing" there.  They wouldn't do anything except fist fight any colonists that walked past them (they had guns).

The fix is probably simple: have retreating/give up raiders check that the exit edge they intend to go to is actually pathable before choosing it.


I just raided by a sappers. In my first defense they actually really strong vs my 10 tribesmen -2 because 2 of my colonist are incapable. I lost on my first attmpt to def because i rush into them. But their first snipre shot actually killed my samantha my best shooter. Its a total lose. I load and wait for them to attack but they didnt attack until they feel hungry and had to retreat "they give up". Wtf they actually really steong 3 sniper rifle and have machine pistols and shotguns they are 11 maybe