[A18] Multiple rescues queued for same bed

Started by Silvador, November 25, 2017, 07:29:39 PM

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Not sure if it's a bug or a minor oversight, but I came across an issue with task queuing. When queuing multiple rescues, each rescued pawn is taken to the same bed, pushing the previous occupant out of the bed which requires them to be rescued again.

After running out of food, my colonists resorted to drastic measures (cannibalism) and one of them went on a rampage as a result, which left four colonists downed and in need of rescue. When the sole able bodied colonist ceased looking for more fellow pawns to pummel, I decided to make use of the new task queuing feature and immediately noticed the issue. The second rescued pawn was placed on top of the first, on the same bed, as was the next pawn to be rescued. When I looked closer I realised as each rescued pawn was brought to the same bed, the previously rescued pawn was being pushed out of the bed, leaving them on the tile and in need of re-rescuing.


Definitely seems like a bit of a bug, though I can't verify at the moment.

(I would guess that the new queuing system isn't properly marking or reading the bed as "reserved" until after a pawn is already picked up to be placed in the bed. But, if an action is already queued, the pawn will still complete the task, even if the bed has become occupied or "reserved" since the queued orders were received.)

Suggest verification of bug status, then (if verified) suggest elevation to a dev's attention when possible.
