[B18] Perma Fallout and Volcanic Winter using Star Wars Mods + more

Started by GIFShinobi, November 30, 2017, 07:24:52 AM

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Permanent World Conditions: Toxic Fall out and Volcanic Winter.
Continuous Incidents: Tornado, Meteorite and All out Arachnid Assasult

Albert has barely escaped from the event that is known as Clone Protocol 66. Many of Albert's peers who he has spent countless days training with since he were just a youngling have perished from the hands of the man who's prophesied to bring balance to the force. Follow Albert and his attempt to build a new life in ruthless inhabitable planet filled with dangerously terrifying creatures.


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Day 50: A destructive force of swirling wind has descended on the Hidden Order's base while everyone was sleeping. With casualties and half the base destroyed and the abrupt appearance of an Arachnid hive, will Albert and the rest of the force users be able to survive? Find out here ->> https://youtu.be/obTLZk67Rwc


Day 62: Two months have passed and the Hidden Order has just gained 3 more members. With newly added people in their ranks, will the Order have a higher chance to thrive or will this unforgiving world kill everyone before Albert and the rest of the Force users can build a ship to escape this planet? Find out!! > https://youtu.be/k0ERZ_-GxjQ