Ever eaten without a table in real life?

Started by Scarecrow, December 12, 2017, 10:33:48 PM

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Anyone ever eaten a meal without a table? I have.

As long as I'm eating okay food, the presence of a table doesn't even bother me. The fact rimworld has a -3 mood debuff for this is quite bizarre. If you're fighting for survival in a hostile world I really think eating at a table is the last of your worries.


The table debuff is what unites all rimworld players.  The hatred brings us closer together.  Would people bring it up as much if it was only -1? Idk.  It has become the last straw for so many pawns and the fact they lose their shit over it is hilarious.   I like to think that things like this debuff, hats, harvesting organs, pyromaniacs etc are mostly there to give us something to talk about when trying to entice someone to check out the game. The bizarre thing (good kind of bizarre) is we got tornados, Drugs, mechs, infestations etc yet one of your first posts wants to about the table debuff. 😊

By the way... Welcome to the forum!

Hans Lemurson

I went camping once and we had to eat without a table.  I punched my friend in the chest shattering his rib, and then went wandering naked in the woods.

10/10 for realism.
Mental break: playing RimWorld
Hans Lemurson is hiding in his room playing computer games.
Final straw was: Overdue projects.


Uncivilized Barbarians :)
I never eat without a table even when your out in the wilds or so you can use something for an improvised table. I probably would go all stone-age if I had to.

That said for my colony I now have to administer Psychoid Pekoe where going drug-free before. Its mainly due to the common combination of marriage breakups, crossbow bolt scars in your face and eating without table.


I heavily don't eat in tables in RL, if they are just junk food or sandwiches or burgers...

I eat them in computer desks... or at least a place i can sit on. Unless the food is steak or chicken with rice.

But of course i will not like eating my noodles in the floor or in the corner, That would make me throw a tantrum and break a sculpture or painting in my house because i ate in the floor, Because there are dust and ants around!

Yup i might get multiple mood debuff because i didn't ate in the floor but... the dogs stole my meal that i was trying to eat in the floor! >:( -30 Mood debuff

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.

Yoshida Keiji

Agree, eating without a table makes no sense to gain mood penalties. I'm an outdoorsy myself and had many meals just sitting on a rock or on grass, or even a wood plank... and instead, got mood buffs!


I think i read somewhere about suggesting a new trait called "outdoorsman" or something along those lines. Can't remember what it was supposed to do, but neutralizing the eating without table debuff would be a nice fit.


Quote from: Scarecrow on December 12, 2017, 10:33:48 PM
Anyone ever eaten a meal without a table? I have.

As long as I'm eating okay food, the presence of a table doesn't even bother me. The fact rimworld has a -3 mood debuff for this is quite bizarre. If you're fighting for survival in a hostile world I really think eating at a table is the last of your worries.
You are upset because of the -3 debuff, but what about the +20 buff from "Very low expectation" you got at the beginning ?
Isn't that what you argue ?
And once you colony develop up a bit, you people can eat fine meal (+5) to counter these ate without table debuff.


Quote from: lancar on December 13, 2017, 03:55:30 AM
I think i read somewhere about suggesting a new trait called "outdoorsman" or something along those lines. Can't remember what it was supposed to do, but neutralizing the eating without table debuff would be a nice fit.
I think in the RimWorld Reddit though. I made a suggestion in typical Tuesday suggestion in the past months with some trait called the Messy Eater. No Mood penalties for eating without a table but makes a mess for the cleaners to clean up after eating and a -6 or -3 cooking penalty something like that.

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.


I see why it's there, but I think it should be reduced until the colony advances to the point where having a table to use is a more realistic expectation.


I have eaten without a table and it has not bothered me. What would bother me is if I had to eat without a place to sit down.

I think that the debuff is just named poorly.  Perhaps it should be renamed to "Had to eat standing up".


Quote from: Morak on December 13, 2017, 08:27:05 AM
I have eaten without a table and it has not bothered me. What would bother me is if I had to eat without a place to sit down.

I think that the debuff is just named poorly.  Perhaps it should be renamed to "Had to eat standing up".

Except the popup for it says the pawn didn't like eating off the ground like an animal, so they ARE sitting down. They really just don't have something to put the food on.


Quote from: Morak on December 13, 2017, 08:27:05 AM
I have eaten without a table and it has not bothered me. What would bother me is if I had to eat without a place to sit down.

I think that the debuff is just named poorly.  Perhaps it should be renamed to "Had to eat standing up".

Eating standing up is more annoying than eating without a table, but why wouldn't they be able to sit down most of the time?


Eating without table doesn't bother me the slightest. Eating while standing on the other hand...


Quote from: Canute on December 13, 2017, 04:09:13 AM

but what about the +20 buff from "Very low expectation" you got at the beginning ?

I swear, I never ever had the +20 buff from "Very low expectation" in my whole life. I was pissed from day 1.
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but no one has said anything about returning."
-J.R. Van Devil