[B18] Permawall 0.1

Started by tremono, March 30, 2018, 06:53:58 AM

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This mod adds unbreakable wall for map editing. Can't be selected or deconstructed... some force field protects this wall. Buildable in DEV mode only.
Two types: first (in DEV spawn list) is realy super strong, second type looks same, but can be destroyed (with patience) and has random damage. You can close your pawns into box for another game style, or make labyrint with hidden weaker partitions, i dont know, it need testing and your imagination.

Testing needed, this is initial release. Probably need more modding or map editing for smooth gameplay.
I plan to add more features. Your feedback is very welcomed. Thanks.

Usage: DEV mode ON -> Tool:Try place direct thing -> Permawall
If your box is ready, DEV -> Refog
(in list are two "Permawall", first is unbreakable, second damaged - but ingame looks same, only has %damage)

Download 0.1 b18.1722
Initial release.