The way inspirations work

Started by Tumuel, December 14, 2017, 01:47:20 PM

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The problem with inspirations that I can see is that a lot of the time they're not particularly useful; the occasional work frenzy us nice, but most of the time inspiration is not useful.
My colony only has one person who does all the trading, but several people with lower social skills keep getting "inspired trades", every time a trader comes along I have to look through my colonists checking all their trade deal modifiers, frankly it's more trouble than it's worth.
I get loads of inspirations for recruiting prisoners... when there's not a single prisoner in the colony, let alone someone I want to recruit.
I get loads of shooting frenzies, most of them go to waste because of the near complete lack of combat or hunting.

I think an easy solution to the problem is for inspiration to work like this;
When you want to trigger an inspiration event, check what the colonist is doing right at that second, and make the inspiration related to that thing.
This way the inspiration is most likely to benefit the colony in some way, and almost guaranteed not to be wasted entirely.

This way does make it impossible to get Inspired Trade, because trading takes no time whatsoever; the solution to this problem is to make trading take some amount of time, like an (in game) hour or something (you could expand this train of thought, and make it so that the amount of time the negotiating takes will be related to how good a deal you want to get [maybe you need that medicine RIGHT NOW, and you're willing to pay extra for it too]).

The main point is that I don't like inspirations.


Also the "shoot frenzies" that affect people who probably register 0 hours on wielding weapons.