Most "realistic" difficulty?

Started by ironstar, December 19, 2017, 05:25:48 AM

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If we were surviving on the Rimworlds for realsies, which difficulty do you think would be most realistic?

Personally, I think Extreme is a little TOO brutal. It assumes enemy factions sadistically have it out for you, personally, and will send out their best and brightest JUST to harass and hurt you. But that doesn't seem right. I think Rough or Intense is more accurate to real-world survival.

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe real life is even crazier than Extreme. What do you guys think?


"Most realistic"?  Phoebe Chillax on Normal or easier.

Why?  How many raids do you think ANY tribe is going to mount, with 100% casualties each time..?  Not too many!  Especially when they start running low on combat-ready adults and tech (in the case of pirates).
Thanks, belgord!

Hans Lemurson

Probably Randy Random on one of the low difficulties.  Shit just happens, but not so much that it seems like the world is out to get you.
Mental break: playing RimWorld
Hans Lemurson is hiding in his room playing computer games.
Final straw was: Overdue projects.


I think Bozobub put it best.  After wiping out several rounds of attackers you've singlehandedly taken Rimworld's population down a few notches.  Pretty soon nobody will be left to attack you even if they wanted to.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


The raiding won't happen. Well, maybe once or twice a decade, but not three times a year every year.

I think the mental breaks and infection is what's gonna be the problem. And production. As far as those go, Randy Random on Extreme. You ever think it was weird that planting potatoes for two years makes a Rimworld pawn at least one of the best farmers on the planet? Or how Rimworld pawns don't have weekends? Or heck, even more basic, can you tell the difference between a regular potato and a poisonous potato? The potato is in the nightshade family...badly stored or improperly harvested potatoes will kill you. Oh, and what's herbal medicine look like? Willow shoots and pot will make the pain go away a little bit, but...not much else.

It's the basic day-to-day complications of life that are the real threat when it comes to Rimworld-like survival. Although I guess the relative ease of survival in rimworld explains how such routine base raids are possible...


I usually pick cassandra classic, alias medium difficulty if I want a "realistic" experience.
"The earth has only been lent to us,
but no one has said anything about returning."
-J.R. Van Devil


To me its Randy Random on Rough.

That to me is the most realistic - as a result, the only setting I play on~


Quote from: Walking Problem on December 22, 2017, 02:25:05 PM
To me its Randy Random on Rough.

That to me is the most realistic - as a result, the only setting I play on~

Yep I agree. Randy on Rough, Permadeath is my go to. Yes things can get full on but sometimes that's just how things go. Also things can be really smooth and if you cover the basics lots of fun.
Mods I would recommend:
Mending, Fertile Fields, Smokeleaf Industries and the Giddy Up series.

The Mod you must have:


I don't like the price hits to selling on extreme. It makes no sense story-wise why they lowball you so much, in a real world they couldn't get away with that because fewer people would sell to them.

Hans Lemurson

Quote from: Songleaves on December 23, 2017, 03:41:53 AM
I don't like the price hits to selling on extreme. It makes no sense story-wise why they lowball you so much, in a real world they couldn't get away with that because fewer people would sell to them.
On extreme, they know you're desperate!
Mental break: playing RimWorld
Hans Lemurson is hiding in his room playing computer games.
Final straw was: Overdue projects.


I've been playing Randy on intense and it seems to ridiculous. Going to dial it back a little.

I play by really cut throat rules. No re-loading, perma death, etc.