[0.18.1722] Mortar doesn't shoot or even target opponents (Update - Not a bug)

Started by NeverPire, December 21, 2017, 12:41:39 PM

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Circumstances :
I try to use my mortar loaded with exploding shells against centipedes.

What should happen:
It should shoot at centipedes.

What happens:
it doesn't shoot and don't even target in their directions.

Actions tried to override the bug :
- switch cease fire on and off
- manipulate the mortar with another pawn or with the same later
- force target or auto-target
None works.

Screnshot or savefile :
Here is the savefile at the exact moment of the bug:
Lee manipulates the mortar in the base, shells are available, centipedes at South-East are not too close.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Not a bug.

Your mortar is under roof, that's why it can't shoot. Set no-roof area aboce mortar.


Really, have I really done that ?
It's possible, my computer has been stolen so I can't check it.

I remember now I have created some roofs to protect against a toxic fallout, it must be the moment when I have done this mistake.

So not a bug but I think a little alert should be displayed in such case.
Maybe with the possiblity to remove it if it is intended.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Thanks for the excellent "textbook" bug report NeverPire. Although as Giewont3000 says there's a roof blocking your mortar so not a bug (I loaded your save, deconstructed the roof, and the mortar worked fine).

And it's really unfortunate to hear about your laptop. Hope you haven't lost too many important files, and that your insurance can cover its replacement*. Either way though, that's a right pisser of a way to end 2017 regardless of whatever loss/cost :(

* (I have no idea if you are a home owner or living with your parents etc. etc. Or what terms are usually in home insurance policies in (I assume) France. But I know that in the UK some home insurance policies cover theft of personal items outside of the home upto a point. ie. It doesn't cover cars or caravans or the like, but mobile phones and laptops often are. But it could be worth checking (if you haven't already) if a home insurance policy applies to you in any way (if you are renting then I doubt it would apply)).

@ Giewont3000 - You created a new account to help check a bug report. I like you already!

I'm going to close this as a non-bug, but I'm going to create a new bug thread/feedback suggestion thread for the following (as I think there are likely a few things that the game could do a better job of providing feedback to the player about).
Quote from: NeverPire on December 31, 2017, 08:44:06 AM
So not a bug but I think a little alert should be displayed in such case.
Maybe with the possiblity to remove it if it is intended.