get all the berries

Started by tmo97, January 04, 2018, 01:22:54 PM

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also, if you happen to find 2 berries on your way home carrying 8 berries and your path crosses within a 7 cell diameter, don't make me click on them  :P


Honestly Tynan needs to just make berry/herbal medicine harvesters automatically deposit the berries/herbal medicine into their inventory, and once they have reached the max limit they return to base and drop it off before going back out to harvest. The current pawn behavior regarding gathering plants around the map is extremely annoying.


Quote from: Songleaves on January 06, 2018, 03:24:25 AM
Honestly Tynan needs to just make berry/herbal medicine harvesters automatically deposit the berries/herbal medicine into their inventory, and once they have reached the max limit they return to base and drop it off before going back out to harvest. The current pawn behavior regarding gathering plants around the map is extremely annoying.

i like the idea but i'm not sure if this is going to work perfectly.
i mkean what are they doing when there is simply no save to store it? just drop it?


Quote from: mightyhuhn on January 08, 2018, 06:27:30 AM
i like the idea but i'm not sure if this is going to work perfectly.
i mkean what are they doing when there is simply no save to store it? just drop it?

that is what they do now .. harvesting the crops and throwing them on the ground.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


but that doesn't need extra code.
if you do it the other way you have to first check if there is free space and you have to add code to drop it.


Which the code for hauling or bills is allready able to do.

They do tell you that if you try to force a job :
there is either no material ( on the whole map ) for a bill,
or no empty place to store an item.

Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Currently they draw a path to the stockpile, and when there's the same item within 1-2 blocks of that path, they'll opt to add it to what they're carrying.

If you just increase this to 6, because there's no reason not to, it will be fixed.

I also like the inventory idea, but it would still have me frustrated when they're hauling 1 berry and they walk past the 74 dropped berries divided over 5 piles, because this is a hauling issue in general, not just for berries.


That Radius has no effect If the pile is allready claimed by another pawn.

The fix for that would be to claim those piles with follow up orders, since this is possible now.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Quote from: tmo97 on January 09, 2018, 06:13:09 PM
Currently they draw a path to the stockpile, and when there's the same item within 1-2 blocks of that path, they'll opt to add it to what they're carrying.
Huh? Pawns will look around for other stacks of "stuff" at the point they pick up or add to their current bundle of "stuff", and irrespective of where the stockpile is or how they are pathing to it. But AFAIK this has nothing to do with the path to the stockpile, and I've never once seen a Pawn pick up "stuff" on their way to a stockpile with a half empty bundle of "stuff" (and after they've finished looking around for other stacks of "stuff"), not even if they walked directly over the same "stuff" in question. Once a Pawn is walking towards the stockpile they don't stop to pick up anything they pass (unless they are interrupted somehow, such as stopping to vomit, and they then resume the job they were doing pre-vomit).

Are you sure you're not confusing this behaviour you mention with something added by a mod?

And what you're basically asking for here is smarter hauling AI, which is something that has been suggested pretty much since Alpha 1. With such AI either being hard to code, and/or a killer on performance (because haulers will constantly need to be checking for how they could be "smarter").

Although I can't recall anyone suggesting to solve this issue by using the inventory before (apologies to whoever if it has been suggested before and I missed it), so that might be a plausible way to "smarten" the hauling (or maybe specifically the harvesting) AI without hurting performance / being difficult to code.

(but it'd need balancing I think, as if Pawns could put 75X in their inventory and also carry 75X, then that's basically doubling the carrying capacity of harvesting Pawns. Maybe the 75 could become total capacity rather than just carrying capacity, so if a Pawn had 40 in their inventory then they could only carry 35. But then how to account for meals Pawns had picked up? Seeing stacks of 74 would be very annoying. So not entirely straightforward, but IMO more likely to actually be implemented than universal smarter hauling AI).


"Huh? Pawns will look around for other stacks of "stuff" at the point they pick up or add to their current bundle of "stuff", and irrespective of where the stockpile is or how they are pathing to it."
Yes, but this isn't consistent. I'm still clicking haul berries that are 2 squares away from the other berries, and you can test this out by stepping onto a rimworld and getting berries. It's consistently bad. I've seen them indeed haul things that I didn't expect them to get for me, but that's a rare occasion and I'm micromanaging almost 10/10. They don't look around for other stacks, they take the 3 berries and they pretend nothing else exists and then they take the weirdest zigzag path to their destination.

" Once a Pawn is walking towards the stockpile they don't stop to pick up anything they pass"
This stupid coding negates what you said before.
They pick up 3 berries, then they decide they're walking towards the stockpile.

"And what you're basically asking for here is smarter hauling AI, which is something that has been suggested pretty much since Alpha 1. With such AI either being hard to code, and/or a killer on performance (because haulers will constantly need to be checking for how they could be "smarter")."

"It's hard to do" is not an excuse, and there's mods out there which improve vastly on the prioritization, meaning your argument is void.
Make them constantly check whatever is in a 4 tile radius, then make a list on what to do based on that. That's 1 check with multiple uses and you can route that information to prevent later checks, cause your pawn knows there's berries next to him, because he's not stupid, and this is neither hard to code nor hard to understand. C'mon man.

"But then how to account for meals Pawns had picked up?"
Likewise this doesn't need complications either.
Either rework the inventory system based on weight instead of 'amount of things', or simply make them use the inventory to haul things. Currently they have to carry an icon around that's separate from their body. How's that for performance? I don't see you looking at that, lol.

Give them a hauling inventory and a regular inventory so you don't have to code difficult stuff to work around the fact that they suddenly turn into hulks when they need to travel.

C'mon, this isn't hard!