Backstory childhood: Organ farm

Started by Yoshida Keiji, January 08, 2018, 06:15:26 AM

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Yoshida Keiji

I find it inconsistent that pawns showing up either by escape pods, or any other means do not have missing organs. This character customization reminds me of the Island movie

Tynan, can you improve character creation process?


Description for Organ Farm:
NAME was raised in an illegal underground organ farm. His/her body was used to grow organic implants for wounded mercenaries. Though his/her upbringing left him/her haunted, it has also given him/her a unique understanding of human biology.

To me this sounds as if they don't harvest organs at the Organ Farm but use the bodies of the participants to implant something organic and then let it grow to maturity. So the colonist with that backstory was more of an incubator than a donor.

Hans Lemurson

That makes sense.  Maybe some light scarring on the torso, then?
Mental break: playing RimWorld
Hans Lemurson is hiding in his room playing computer games.
Final straw was: Overdue projects.


Yea I thought of it like in the move The Island.


It reminds me of a sidequest in the first Mass Effect to find this doctor who used people for organ farming. He would implant a substrate that the organ would then grow on naturally, and cut it out afterwards. Takes longer, but you can reuse the people.

Or in simple terms: the people aren't the organ plants, they're the hydroponics the organs are farmed in. :P