Do non-colonist pawns on ice sheet worlds wear warmer clothing?

Started by The Man with No Name, January 12, 2018, 03:24:39 PM

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The Man with No Name

I was thinking of starting a new game on an ice sheet world by lowering the global temperature at game setup. Will the non-colonist pawns, such as raiders, caravan traders and visitors, wear warmer clothing than normal, or will I find them constantly dying of hypothermia on the map?

The Man with No Name

I thought to check it out in-game. I started a colony on a freezing map and another on a sweltering map and then induced raids using the Dev tool. I compared the raiders' comfortable temperatures and it looks as though non-player pawns' apparel does adjust to the map temperature, although that doesn't necessarily mean that all raiders in the group will be within their comfortable range at extreme temperatures.


This was actually updated some time ago (A15, I think?), because before that raiders actually would instantly start freezing on very cold maps. There's a specific routine now that will add free warmth in the form of parkas and tuques for pawns whose normal outfits aren't adequate for the climate.