Pawns not eating in caravans

Started by Zooey, December 06, 2017, 12:50:39 AM

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I am running a mods, (full list will be provided upon request) but the only one the seems like it could be affecting this is VGP Vegetable garden.
I sent a caravan to a down pawn (With modded food, might explain why this one didn't work) and he ate none of it. I then encountered a caravan on the way back and bought pemmican, which he also didn't eat. I had sent another caravan out with pemmican to peace talks, and they also ate nothing. Both caravans were one person and one muffalo. I reloaded the save multiple times and nothing changed. Using mod tools to attempt to teleport the pawns to destination only resulted in endless error logs. Will take some time, but I will try to make this happen without mods, however I will be very busy and can make no guarantee this will happen until near Christmas. Playing on Cassy-rough.


I am experiencing a similar issue, but I am not running any mods.  I can load hundreds of pemmican onto a caravan and they treat it as goods to be sold, not eaten.  Any ideas on whether it is a bug or a setting I need to change?


@ Pawn108 - Can you please provide a vanilla save file where this issue is occurring, as requested per the pinned "How to Report a Bug" thread (which is where you can find details on how to find and post a save file).

@ Zooey - Your problem might be the same as Pawn108's, which may or may not be a bug (depending on what the vanilla save file indicates). But it's just as likely that it's being caused by a mod. Won't know until Pawn108 (or someone) posts a vanilla save file to investigate.