Making Mod Menus

Started by panzerbjorn, January 22, 2018, 09:21:20 PM

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Hey guys, experienced C#/Unity programmer and modder here. Was just wondering if anyone can share the easiest way to make mod menus for configuring the parameters of mods in-game. I've been digging through some source of public mods but not finding any which have in-game mod menus for configuration, but I've seen mods that offer such. Any clues or links or guidance appreciated! Great teachable moment for a toot or similar. ;)


I don't know that it is the best way but feel free to have a look at my ED-EnhancedOptions mod to see the best way that I have found from looking at other mods.
It has the advantage that there is not much in it apart from Settings and Harmony Patches controlled by the settings.
Mostly you will want to look at ModSettings_EnhancedOptions.cs